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A jam submission

CURRENT OST (Complete + Lost Song) (Dreamcast, 2000)View project page

An often overlooked game for the Dreamcast, featuring online connectivity.
Submitted by Zapathie (@zapathie), cheyennix (@cheyennix) — 9 hours, 32 minutes before the deadline
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CURRENT OST (Complete + Lost Song) (Dreamcast, 2000)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#244.2604.260

Ranked from 50 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Genre: Ambient
Runtime: 25:14
Software: Ableton Live 12 Suite, Miro, Drawpile, Krita, Blender

Description: CURRENT was an often forgotten experimental explorative MMO from the Dreamcast era with a small but sentimental and dedicated fanbase. With 5 songs on the disc, the soundtrack was well preserved even past the online servers shutting down. The final song, considered lost media for a long time, played via streaming during an event prior to the game's closure. It has only recently been found via recording.

For more information, why not check out the game's Wikipedia page?
Here's the link:

Message from the artist
Thank you for hosting this jam. It has been a great experience to work on and we were very passionate about what we made.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
We felt an aquatic world seen from the eyes of a child fit the essence of the image well. We interpreted "inside my world" as an MMO, because those offer a form of virtual escapism. Despite it being multiplayer, it's still your world on your console, others are just there to take in the sights alongside you.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Precambrian is a good start! I like the spirit of the old Dreamcast games, which is felt from the very first track...

Shallows - Hey, I feel the magical atmosphere... The beach? Anyway, I LOVE PERCUSSION.
Ectosymbiosis - BASS. I LOVE. BASS. (And I also really like a little rest with cute ringing instruments. What kind of musical instrument is this?)

Biolumenesca - So... I feel like I'm drowning right now... I'm drowning... HELP ME

The Deepest Known Is So... That's creepy. For me, your favorite increase in activity in the track, in this composition has made the biggest impact... When the bells were connected, it seemed to me that the whole world was spinning around me with incredible speed, and I was slowly falling into the abyss... And the lower I fall, the more dynamic the soundtrack becomes... What does it mean...?

Wash Away - "The ocean... it... eternal"

You have made a great ambient! I liked it)



Thank you for listening! I believe the little ringing instruments during the rest in Ectosymbiosis that you're referring to are a mix of Ableton's Glockenspiel and Obelisk Bells instruments.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I love the presentation of this one with the DreamCast boxart and whatnot. My favorite track is probably #4 - I like how haunting and atmospheric it is, and the reverses are super tingly on the ears. Great work!


This soundtrack is really unique, with an aquatic but very distinctive style, I loved it.

Precambrian: It gives me the impression of an aquatic world.

Shallows: It sounds like a rather calm initial exploration level, like an introduction to the journey, I love it.

Ectosymbiosis: At the beginning it sounds tense, with many instruments and arpeggios in the background that thematize the environment and then present a more aquatic premise, but with certain sounds that make you feel a more technological vibe. I like the break it takes with very interesting marimba sounds, it makes me feel slightly tense, but safe. One detail that I liked was that in the background you can hear some leads.

Biolumenesca: The chords reminded me a lot of Erik Satié, something quite interesting. I must point out that this song handles a rather magical atmosphere with the use of bells and pads and although it sounds quite simple, I was fascinated.

Deepest Known: It sounds very mysterious and tense, those vocals put me in a dark setting, where you have to be careful. I really like the percussion section, I imagine them as some kind of hit. This is the one that really impressed me because it really feels quite dark.

Wash Away: For me, this is the most authentic song on the soundtrack. This track sounds more distant than the others, feeling like an exit to a gigantic ocean. Something quite nice to note is that this one has a very different sound than the others, with a more acoustic and more natural sound, with bird sounds in the background that feel like a cozy farewell.

My favs: Precambian, Deepest Known and Wash away.


Wow these are so good! The vibes just fit perfectly with the games idea, and the execution was top notch! All the tracks are unique and varied, making it very interesting  but not intrusive to listen to in a game setting. Not to mention the quantity of quality art and text that goes with it. Listening to the OST while reading through all the flavor text and your notes was definitely an fun experience! One of mine favorite entries so far, amazing work!


So much effort went into creating this concept, art, and music and it shows! I loved the atmospheric approach y'all went with for the music. I think it complements the game's aesthetic and theme perfectly. The music also works perfectly as video game music. It's not too abrasive to where it would be annoying if it looped, but still interesting to listen to all the way throughout which is what I think makes good and loopeable video game music, especially for environments. My favorite track is Deepest Known. It has such an unsettling vibe but at the same time, has a sense of adventure that makes you want to delve deeper and explore whatever area this music was designed for. Also, the wiki was just the cherry on top! Reading through the lore of the game made it that much more intriguing. 

Overall, this was an excellent submission! Keep it up!


Great work imaging the underwater feels! Great job creating such variety in such a short timescale!


There is so much to this submission??? The music?? The wiki page?? Top notch stuff


I like the chiptune limitations you imposed upon yourself. I planned to do something similar for mine but it didn't really fit what I was going for


I love the idea of having a song that was considered lost media only to be found via a recording and having the song be recording quality. Really cool!


Fantastic work, the music is great and I also love how much time and care you put into the itch page itself. Super creative, super well written. Can’t even pick a favorite track! :D


Very creative!!! Ectosymbiosis (Mesopelagic) has a great bass line, my favorite in this album. Great work overall!


Very pretty and chilling. Though it might not nail the old Dreamcast FM-Sound to 100%, it definitely got the style and feeling nailed to a tee with a very polished sound to it. I realy enjoyed it. Also very nice touch with the lore to this forgotten media.


The wiki page is such an awesome idea.

The soundtrack was great. Very atmospheric and fit the game idea/Dreamcast era well. Guess I’m joining the cult!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This is thematically there is such an impressive effort put in here (absolutely loved the 'wiki' page), and stylistically it feels very on point. The sense of atmosphere created is great, especially in Ectosymbiosis. There could maybe be even more subtle variations of the textures and colour in places, but overall this is highly impressive stuff you have produced :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I can't believe you basically turned your project page into a wikipedia article, that's basically already a 5 on theming and creativity for me.

I loved the tracks atmospheric tone of exploring a forgotten place which in this case being the lost MMO preserved in an old console. A 25 total minutes total for the entire track is large though, wow.

Developer (2 edits)

Thank you! I can't believe we got to 25 minutes either. Our initial expectation was maybe half of that. I guess we just really got into what we were making! Hopefully it manages to stay interesting the entire way through for most people.


Very cool! I loved reading about the game on the "wikipedia" page, the little links to other things added such a nice touch as well! In terms of the actual soundtrack, I broke it up song by song.

Precambrian: A very nice little upbeat track, befitting of a character creator!

Shallows: A nice loop for a chill first area! A tad bit repetitive, but something that wouldn't be an issue for an area in an MMO.

Ectosymbiosis: A mysterious, yet relaxing theme fitting for a puzzle themed area. There are some parts that just tickle the musical part of my brain, as such its probably my favorite of the bunch!

Biolumenesca: This theme very much fits the whole strange, dark, and just plain weird ecosystem that the void has. The occasional bits of dissonant notes help to eleviate this feeling, and I feel the track does a great job at that!

Deepest Known: When I read the discription of this track, I had in my head a sort of deep, empty void that players could fill with creativity. The song itself though has a very intimidating atmosphere to it only really picking up towards the end, quite fitting of a dark void, but it doesn't exactly fit the discription imo (This is entirely up to my opinion and how I interpereted the text, I could be totally off base from your vision). Judging the song off its own merits, I love the atmospheric choir, and when the song picks itself up and becomes more upbeat it sounds really great! It's probably my second favorite song!

Wash Away: The "lost" song, I didin't really know what to expect from reading about it on the main page. It turned out to be a really nice, chill song with callbacks to the previous tracks! Honestly I feel like if I was a player of CURRENT, this sound would feel quite bittersweet as the game approached the server closure.

Overall, very well done! You managed to make a lot of songs, and they all felt like they had a lot of love and effort put into them! Great job!


this is just so insanely creative. love it!!!\

fav tracks: Precambrian, Biolumenesca, Wash Away


So cool! I love how all the tracks give such different vibes - 3rd one feels super Minecraft-y, 4th track references Gymnopedie no. 1 by Satie (though i guess those are actually fairly connected, but still), and the 5th track sounds almost like a Zelda track, and yet it all sounds incredibly coherent.

The story behind these tracks is integrated very well into the music - the way it's produced and written, and especially the final track's sound design.

Awesome submission! Great Job! 


I'm sure people have said this but this is such a nice spin on the theme, turning the itch page into a Wikipedia article is genius. 5-stars to theming for me haha. The soundtrack feels right at home with an open-world type of game. My fav was "Deepest Known" cuz I'm edgy.


Wow, what a fun soundtrack to listen to! You do a great job of representing each layer of the ocean through your tracks and I can easily see them within this game you've described. I especially liked the ambience you set with Shallows and Ectosymbiosis, but this entire soundtrack is quality. I also love how much effort was put into crafting the world for this game. You mentioned how your team was very passionate about this project and it very clearly shows. Congrats!

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