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The concept is really cool, you did a great job with the music and sound design to set the atmosphere. Feels like an old school game. With a bit of polish and balancing this could have a lot of potential for a larger scope project. The game description also does a great job of setting the mood. 

Love and hate certain aspects of this. Because of the atmosphere, I had to play through to the end. I spent 40 minutes to do so. Would've just given up in frustration if the mood wasn't so interesting. 

First 10 minutes were fun, I almost won my first run. I thought I had softlocked myself because I blew up all the items and needed one more key. Then I discovered the secret of attacking a colony to farm them for keys. Sadly I died, and spent the next several runs in frustration as I got more and more impatient. When I finally got a winning run, it was a lucky seed and I got it in probably less than 2 minutes.

A lot of the same sentiment as below re: combat

  • I'm okay with having a ton of bullets fly at me, but having to do that and also not shoot the items is a huge pain in the ass. I think if we want to maintain breakable collectables, something more tactical/puzzle like would fare better than bullet hell where I have to watch where I'm moving and where I'm shooting at the same time
  • On the flip side, if the collectibles are indestructible, you could probably lean more into the bullet hell aspect, and make it harder
  • The braking is cool, but feels very unintuitive because it's an instant full stop. Might've balanced better with the acceleration by having a decellaration

Overall really great concept. Love the encounter area/exploration, but absolutely hate the item hostage bullet spam portions.

Thanks for the in-depth review! I'm glad you enjoyed the atmosphere of the game, that part is my favorite aspect of the game as well! 

I also appreciate you telling me how your gameplay experience went, it helps a lot to see how your run in particular went. I do feel like the destroyable collectibles hindered many player's experiences (I like your use of the term "item hostage"), especially since the player has to frequently shift focus between dodging bullets and shooting enemies while avoiding shooting limited collectibles. The velocity definitely has to change as well, since it didn't fit well in a danmaku.

I appreciate that you were willing to play 40 minutes of my game, though! I'm glad you found the atmosphere interesting enough to keep you motivated. Have a great rest of the jam, gloriousclover!


Indeed. If the items were to block off certain regions for shooting would be okay, but having them weave back and forth with the enemy targets felt sadistic ;)

Want to re-emphasize again how well you set the mood with the writing and the music. The game page black background green text was simple but effective. I look forward to seeing how you integrate some of those aspects into a bigger project in the future.

By the way, have you ever heard of Guardian Legend? It combined top down Zelda-ish elements with SHMUP sequences. It also had a really cool omnipresent mood of mystery since you were exploring a planet with a dead civilization. This game gives me similar vibes.

That's a good idea with the items. If I remade this game, the items would be something I would definitely implement differently (I'd probably scrap destroying items entirely since items disappear anyway when you collect them). Thanks again for taking the time to review though and even telling me what you liked about the game, I appreciate it!

Also, I've never heard of Guardian Legend before, I'll be sure to check it out!