Day 3 of Rating Submissions with Few Ratings to Hopefully Get Some On Return
As there is no accompanying text, I will comment on the music only but zi would remark that having a game to go along with the music would have made it easier to understand your artistic choices - it can be important to keep the "client" in mind.
I sadly think the Submission has some issues. Others have commented on the muddled rhythms of the second track already, but I also feel you hurt yourself by trying to be a bit too "cute" with the instrumentation. I can hear what melodic and harmonic (and even rhythmic) motions you're going for in that track, but the instrumentation is so fuzzy, soft and has issues with volume leveling that what could be there does not shine. It shows that in your first track, which has a clearer and more purposeful instrumentation, we can follow the chords and melodies just fine and it does translate to a pleasant song. I see potential here if you keep these things in mind, and I do get the struggle - as composers we work on tracks so long that they become second nature to us and sometimes we become deaf to what is odd about them. Keep at it, as I like some of the bubbly cute qualities you got here.