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Was this done without the ng+ bonuses? It's really impressive!

Yup yup! All without NG+ bonuses! It was a lot of fine tuning and probably the most time I've spent on a calculator and Excel spreadsheets since I graduated from college 😂 No room for error in order to get the stats just right for everything but I managed to pull it off! 

My Hise, Corval, and Wellin MCs actually didn't need any changing (thank goodness an ethical Wellin MC can convince Ana for peace in week 6 without 415 persuasion), my Revaire MC needed some minor adjustments so I could have enough persuasion and get enough diplomacy flags to impress the ambassadors and speak up during the week 6 welcome feast, my Arland MC needed some adjustment to be persuasive enough to convince Ana for peace, and my Jiyel MC was the one who needed the most adjustments made to have the persuasion and interpersonal insight necessary for weeks 6 and 7. I can't tell you how many times I had to start over because I was just a TINY bit off from passing a necessary skill check 😭😭😭 But I did it in the end!

Awesome! You're giving me some ideas for replays without the NG+ bonuses haha since my replays always include those/aim to get those.

Same, that's really motivating me to try "clean" runs again with backgrounds I play less :D I really love the Jiyel protag but I tend to make her reserved and blunt so she's so hard to get successes for! Congrats and thanks for the encouraging bragging :D