Does the matchmaker approve of you? Gossip away!

For those who don't want to discover them all yourself:
Widow gives cunning / Princess gives etiquette / Scholar gives academics / Countess gives self defense / Court Lady gives politics / Pirate gives courage
Ria gives charm / Emmett gives eloquence / Gisette/Jarrod ending gives manipulation / Gisette gives beauty / Woodly gives poise / Lisle gives history / Clarmont gives people knowledge / Hamin gives leadership / Ana gives grace / Lyon gives intelligence Zarad gives charisma / Jasper gives insight / Penelope gives *small) charm and (small) people / Cordelia gives (small) ettiquite and grace / Ava gives small intelligence and manipulation
the bonuses are unlocked at the same time as the epilogues as per a backer choice there is a special ending/epilogue/path that involves romancing both siblings a variation of the political marriage Jarrod and romance gisette - the bonus and epilogue are different for the special epilogue and gisette’s normal epilogue so you will have do both to get all the bonuses
(edited to give better info)
yeah I thought there would be a boost for each character... I spent many hours trying to get lord blains route for his boost in the 1.0 version to discover that it wasn't me but the game. Maybe because her say's route doesn't really have much character development, as the interactions are very very brief, compared to the other characters.
OHHHH this is after the interview where you choose your romance partner right? Matchmaker won't let you choose Jarrod cuz he sucks lol, you have to reassure him after her speech that you choose him and he'll calm down. Unless it's a bug, because if you didn't choose a different romance partner then you should be able to tell him you chose him despite what the matchmaker said.
Just started week 5 on my first run cuz I've been busy, and idk why but I decided to play a Hise MC and romancing Ria. And I gotta be honest when I saw that "don't worry sweetheart" option I swooned... I might be a little in love with my Hise MC lol. I'm glad I made this my first playthrough, it's fitting I start with wlw seeing as it's pride month hehe... maybe I'll romance Gisette next and then Ana. Ladies first!
Alsooo I have a question if anyone can answer- can I get the best ending with Ria's romance if I politically marry Zarad (p sure he's an option, I've never actually played through a political path in my demo files ahaha) or do I get to marry her if I stay single and then kidnap her and bring her back to Hise?
EDIT: I avoided setting up a marriage and I got the scene where Hise MC asks Ria to marry her!!! I'm so happy aaaaaa
This guide goes over everything for week 4, it'll show you what you need to clear the trial:
I just double checked - there's two achievements that will help you know if you are on the right path - there's an achievement with Avalie in week six and an achievement for getting all legendary outcomes in week seven (there aren't any achievements for individual legendary outcomes, just all of them)
hey FearfulSymmetry, sorry to bother you but I've been genuinely struggling for 3 days (I'm not joking) to get Avalie's ending. I've coem to the conclusion that I need to get the Jiyle x Arland legendary ending. If you have some advice for me on how to achieve these ending.
You'll recieve
(+∞ my gratitude) (legendary btw)
(-10000 rivalry with me) (ik, i kinda feel a rage against you because u have gotten the Jiyle ending)
Screaming crying throwing up I hope it's just a bug and I didn't mess something up my darling Ria is unhappyyyyy I was so enjoying her and my Hise MC Katrina's romance... I thought I did everything correctly too... sadge sadge sadge
I guess this is my punishment for not being very persuasive and refusing to give in to Gisette so Revaire got f*cked and the isle went poof... also wtf was up with that? I know theres hints to the isle having some weirdness to it but honestly this is some straight up magic lol
To be fair to my pirate's uh... "skills" in manipulation and general persuasiveness, it makes sense that Revaire fell and that would break the peace and the isle disappeared. I did however broker peace and prosperity in every other country so it was odd that it was considered a total fail of a summit. Sure it wasn't perfect and therefore the final summit, but everyone aside from Revaire did pretty good for themselves! I don't actually know if it has anything to do with the Ria Romance Fail, I'm pretty sure I did everything right in her romance so it's probably bugged.
There are conflicting factions in the Isle and an increasingly powerful one is looking for any excuse to get out of the deal with Katyia.
So in order to keep the summits going you need to get good ends or better *everywhere*.
Revaire gives you two options however, a good peace outcome or a good rebel outcome.
And good outcomes aren't just not bad endings, they need to be one of the top two of five possible. <3
Does this mean that it’s impossible to keep the summit going in the Jarrod+Gisette route? It’d make sense if that was the case, just wondering!
Also, is it possible to get a good peace end for Revaire without romancing Gisette as well? (MEGA SPOILERS BELOW)
I ask because I did an ending where there was an unprecedented era of cooperation for all the countries, and the people of Revaire plus Clarmont were happy and safe, but Sayra was unhappy and plotting to assassinate a certain someone later (the Isle still vanished here, so I think I still got a bad ending for Revaire). I’m guessing the best peace end would have the MC there as well to help Sayra so that she wouldn’t suffer too much?
It is possible to achieve a good peace end without romancing Gisette, but it's definitely one of the hardest things to do.
I... can't remember if it's possible to get a peace ending while married to Jarrod. Not on his full path, but maybe possible on his political marriage route? But I do know that siding with the Revaire Royals will always make future summits impossible.
HI ME AGAIN I'm here to weep at the bad end for Revaire with Clarmont fucking DYING... I mean of course the bad end would result in that, but the one ending slide where it's like "well you couldn't exactly keep being friends with Clarmont on account of him being dead. which you had a hand in. you weak un-manipulative LOSER" (not exactly those words of course but may as well be BECAUSE I DESERVE IT)
uwaahhhh I'm so sorry Clarmont I promise I'll do better next time ToT
I felt bad when I decided to side with the royals (due to not having been able to chose the other side) but at the same time I'm kind of happy that while the ending is sad it also kind of gives the country a little bit of peace? Ok so it was 10 years of bloodshed and people we loved died but hey no more civil war! *sips tea in unethical*
Honestly I felt kinda vindicated seeing that Jarrod and Gisette were completely miserable. Clarmont and Mrs. White may have died, but at least those two are suffering like they deserve. My pirate may have ruined things for Revaire by virtue of being unpersuasive/manipulative, but at least she ruined things for EVERYONE, not just the rebels
Jarrod and Gisette are miserable, but people are not killing one another in the streets. Perfect ending for my super unethical lady who still cares about things such as taking care of her land and not dying.
My ethical Revaire widow is next and I'm hoping she's as much a hoot as last time I played her....
Hello! I was wondering...I got the romance ending for Jasper (or well I assume marrying him is the romance ending) and the allies achievement for Avalie, but for some reason I didn't get a boost for them? Are there no bonuses for doing those things or are the boosts for them triggered from something else? I hope that is play to ask! ;A;/
by any chance, might you be able to hold my hand through this or giving us some kind of vague guide to point us in the right direction by any chance? I really want to full comp the game but unfortunately nowadays with my job i don't have as much time to commit to hours of gaming as I used to so any help would be super awesome ;A;/
Jasper's epilogue is one of the hardest things to achieve in the game - you not only have to succesfully romance him (a challenge) you also have to get all legendary outcomes - this gives an achievement at the end of negotations
you will know you succeeded at legendary outcomes if you see the following lines in the endings:
"And so, Arland and Jiyel slowly transformed one another and in doing so also changed the world."
"And so began a legendary golden age for both Hise and Corval."
"And thus began a time of legendary change for both Wellin and Skalt."
"Although it once seemed an impossible transition, it is not long before former enemies manage to find themselves reluctant, but accepted allies working together to change the fate of a rebuilt Revaire."
For Avalie, I poured a lot of influence in making peace with Jiyel/Arland and giving Jiyel advantage in the negotiations. That, combined with making her my ally, got me her epilogue and the bonus!
No idea about Jasper, maybe he's only happy if you make Katiya's ghost satisfied with the nearly impossible all-legendary outcomes.
sooo I decided to do another run of my pirate MC, and I was gunning for a Zarad romance but I seem to find myself with the problem of not being persuasive enough to stay friends with Jarrod. So I thought, hey maybe I could do the Gisette/Jarrod romance for that good good manipulation boost for future playthroughs. But I thought I'd ask here first... does it end Badly if you are ethical/not manipulative enough to convince them both this will work? I just wanna make sure I'm not setting myself up for failure lol
actually disregard this, I'm gonna just restart with a different build so this time Kat can both be with Zarad and be a persuasive force unlike the Summit has seen since Katyia. I just had to sacrifice some cunning and beauty... (sadge)
Okay good! For reference, I did side with the Revaire Royals, I was worried that locked me in - good to know it's a choice, although I feel like whatever option you choose to make it happen (I assume with the conversation you have with him at the end of week seven) could be clearer about the outcome?
One of my fav things to do is try to suss out which characters from a particular piece of media could reasonably by autistic (being on the spectrum myself, it gives me immense joy!). Does anyone else have any autistic head canons/thoughts for 7kpp? For myself, I think Lyon and Cordelia are strong maybes while Avalie, Jarrod and Ana are also maybes. Greer’s definitely there too, though we don’t get to see too much of her yet...
I assume it's different on every route (if you're on her path she explains it's because she didn't know how to deal with her Feelings™️ for you, and presumably once we have the rebel origin playable there will be a very obvious reason why), but otherwise this never gets explained and I'm really curious about it!!
Gisette's reasoning are known to me, but thank you so much for taking your time wanting to help ^^much appreciated.
In regards to the assassin before the ball, I concluded these information on him:
- he is linked to the Weavers most likely
- If you are an Aly of Avalie: in the moment of her event we learn more about the weavers (also reading between her lines is advantageous)
- through my multiple different walkthroughs of the game I noticed) that he only attacks if we are an impressive enough MC ( excelling at hosting events, the trial etc., discovering enough secrets and having the right amount of skills)
To pass the check with Avalie and get his date, you need at least 35 insight (which should be quite doable from meeting all the delegates on the first night) and 25 people. I'm not sure if it's possible to pass unless you took a background that gives +People (like the Revaire widow) or chose a bonus to People in character creation!
I just finished my first full run, marrying Lisle, after so many years, and as a queer person in a very unconventional queerplatonic partnership of many years, I want to thank Aly from the bottom of my heart for this route. So many times I wibbled, whimpered, grinned in joy or put a hand to my heart in pure emotion. I love him and the relationship my PC had with him so so much, and feel loved and respected and seen and cared for in return.
I've been emotional about this route since the first time I unlocked it, for years now, and finally seeing it to its conclusion - and such a lovely one - means so much to me.
Thank you for this game, these characters and these stories, Aly!!!!
(And now I'm off to go pick up and finally give its completion to another character and story I came to care for years ago, my adorable sheltered princess and her shockingy delicate romance with Zarad. And then many many more others. I'm so, so, so excited, I waited for this for so long and it's already far exceeded my expectations and hopes!!!)
Seeing as the guide I'd been following since the last demo update is gone, I'm feeling a little more lost (as is probably intended). Does anyone know the Persuasion (assumedly) requirement to remain in a relationship with Zarad post theatrical?
I kept playing till the end regardless and was delighted to find peace was obtained everywhere but Revaire, life long friendships with Penelope, Cordelia, and Avalie, the platonic companionship of Ria, and the return of the sheltered princess' sister.
I feel... I should have put more money into the ball, but that is an oversight I can correct next time
Hii so I've been playing all night and have been trying to romance Woodly... (Please don't judge me 😭) MY POOR DUDE HAS ZERO POSTS THAT I'VE SEEN!!... Anyways, Is that even an option? Is he actually married?! Do I have to play a route to get to his or am I trying the impossible? Thank you!
Edit :Oh no what if he's actually married.. OH NO. Is he not a route???!
He has a romance and in my opinion it's quite a good one! Not a traditional romance, perhaps, but it's not anything sleazy, there's mutual respect and fondness there.
You need to have high manipulation, invite him to your musicale, and get some of his romance up with specific clever dialogue choices - usually turning his questions back on him and such. He then stops you on the way to your matchmaker and lets you know the terms of engagement (and if you saw some of his secret scenes you already know a bit of what he expects).
In my game my MC was incredibly selfish, and she was proud about it, which is something that generations of people will study in the epilogue. However, nobody would ever respect me. She was also ethical. So it said, you took full advantage to give yourself the most amount of power, ethically of course.
Yup, manipulation has to be from character creation. Most of the times when you can earn manipulation in the game, you need to have more manipulation points first to meet the skill check. I only managed to raise manipulation to 110 from a beginning 75 point manipulation character. Or maybe you can get some manipulation after completing certain character's epilogues. Would love to also know if there is a way to get manipulation points up so I can play the sheltered princess route better!
Did he pull you aside in the corridor before talking to the Matchmaker? If he did, I think that unlocks his path. Stuff that helps includes inviting him to your first event (he always says no, but it doesn't use up a slot and probably gets you some romance with him), visiting your room every week (I usually do it 2/3 times and still get his confession), and being nice to your servants. You might also have to do well in the Week 4 trial and figure out the Historians' secret chain to do his romance, but I haven't tried it yet, so I'm not sure.
I beelined for Jasper first as soon as the demo came out and also aimed for him first as soon as the game got EA, and I can confirm that you don't need to finish the historian chain to successfully romance Jasper, but the ending is definitely a lot happier if you do (yup, I totally went back for him multiple times). To unlock his epilogue though, you need to finish the historian chain AND complete some legendary requirements, which I have yet to do. Like the previous post commented, visit your room every week, be nice to servants (stand up for Sarya, offer them your breakfast, etc). For Imogen's trial make sure you ask him why the head butler won't let you question Imogen, BUT make sure you don't push him for more info a little bit afterwards when you notice that he is tired and invite him to sit down and talk with you.
For some reason I'm not getting the option to invite Jarrod on a date after the second interview with the matchmaker (first event went well and he is high romance so I don't know what's missing). Or do you have to not invite someone on a date for his route or something??
I am following the only guides I'm able to find and still having no luck, does anyone have a good guide for this route? ;;;
I finished my run as the Corval court lady and after finishing romancing Woodly (which is not my cup of tea, but at least he is honest about his intentions if you bring it up to him and he and the court lady seem to suit each other) and successfully befriended Lisle at max friendship while also ending up in a political marriage with him. I know his secret already, but since I haven't seen him discussed as much I wanted to ask if it is possible to get an epilogue for Lisle? I'm not sure what I am missing since I also had Penelope at max friendship, got her to go to Skalt, and got her epilogue, but Lisle's epilogue didn't show up. Not sure what I need to trigger his.
There's an epilogue for Lisle - not sure what's needed for it tho? Was friendship at max? To get the epilogue, make sure you get the 'unbreakable bond with x' achievement, there's one that should be triggered for Lisle too. Make sure you do all the 'spend time with your intended' actions, and in week 6, keep spending time with him until you get that achievement. That + a good ending for Wellin should be enough, I think? At least it seemed to be enough for me, but I don't know if I accidentally checked some boxes that I wasn't aware of
So I don't know if someone else is having the same problem as me but I'm currently having some big difficulties with Clarmont's romance.
In week 5, after the theatrical, he comes in my room and just breaks up with me.
He does give me some dialogue choices to try and change his mind but in the end he just leaves me and, right before the ball, I have the option to arrange a beneficial marriage or not.
I have an ethical mc, zero rivalry with him, with high friendship and romance, I also did succeed Imogen Trial (perfect acquittal) and I've uncovered some secrets in the first weeks related to his activities as a rebel.
Honestly the only thing that might be a problem is that I haven't gain maximum rebels' approval but I still managed to get it kinda high average (over half bar).
Is there anyone who can help me figure this out?
Thank you in advance :)
I do have high persuasion, as for the rebel faction I saw the kitchen scene in the first week, overheard jarrod and gisette at the cliffs in the second week, but from what I can see in the wiki that I probably have missed mrs white's dialogue in week 5.. I'll try reload from and old save: thank you so much for the help!
Does anyone have a guide/the steps needed for the good endings re: peace & rebels?
I can only find two of the rebel secrets (week one and week two), and the week five one doesn't trigger for me - are there any other I'm missing and how to get them orz... Do you need to romance/befriend anyone specific for instance? :/
During his meeting, you have to pick "I would advise you against telling women you find the idea of having a wife limiting and a bother" and head to the training room after. If you have the correct version to eventually friendzone him, he will be seen yelling at a servant which awards +5 courage and manipulation (important to end up reforming him in the end!).
To prevent being rivals with him, you will have to reach for a high 450 persuasion but I hope this helps solve your problem!
Has anyone else gotten the impression that the strongest fighter in the game isn't Anaele, but Jasper instead? I didn't pay much attention when I first played the demo but now that the full game is out and multiple people besides just the delegates keep mentioning that Jasper will arrange an assassination/duel people to the death/beat people up if the MC isn't treated well, I am suspecting that he is hiding some serious moves. I also totally didn't imagine it that when the delegates were arguing outside the MC's room, those two thumps before Jasper walked in were Jasper teaching them a lesson in disturbing his charge's rest.
okay their ending was quite easy to get late game, especially compared to Avalie's and Jasper's. But overall their ending is one of the better ones
tart with max manipulation and some charm (need for Jarrod's route)
Romance Gisette fully
Immoral Mc (A MUST)
Lead Jarrod on, like get his date pick the right choices, visit him week 2, give him a gift. But also get 500 persuasion, so you can reject him but still remain friends.
Don't forget to complete the rebel's chain.
OK I must just be dumb because even Avalie and all Legendary was pretty easy for me (once I read all the guides out there lol)
I did all of that already, I choose to side with the Revaire royals, then I still get a scene with Sarya as if I'm not betraying her, then she and Clarmont gets poisoned, and I have no idea what to do during negotiations. I always choose "Talk about the positives" and "Gain allies for current regime" but it always end in war and Jarrod dies T_T
Also, I think it's beauty that helps on Jarrod's route, not charm. He's a shallow idiot
Update: I FINALLY realized what I was doing wrong! I just needed to find the rebel chain without having high approval or Sarya's confession! Also not having Katie's legacy as my public ambition (while having another secret one) might've helped.
Hi, I'm late to the party (only found the game last year so the wait wasn't that long for me) and I just wanna say how much I enjoy this game and appreciate Aly's hard work creating it! I've finally finished my master plans for each background to get the best possible ending! It was a wild ride from start to end (tho not really ending because I'll definitely replay a lot)
P.S. Looking forward to the full release so I can hopefully romance Gisette as a Rebel Leader, the angsty potential!
I've been playing and playing for days now and still uncovering new stuff -- and new stuff that makes me squeal in delight. In the past few days, I:
- got Hamin's break-up scene and backstory, which I didn't expect to be the way it was at <i>all</i> and made me <i>so</i> happy.
- got a variation on Lisle's gazebo chat scene with a MC that happened to be have a certain something in common with him and ohhh my gosh his happiness at remembering he's not alone warmed my heart so much.
- finally got Avalie, my beloved, to be my ally and she's SO CUTE and funny complaining about it (and I also got Penny and Cordelia's epilogues at the same time as hers, which I didn't know could happen!).
- got really emotional over the descriptions of what peaceful exchange does for countries and people, it's so beautiful and hopeful and lovely. I especially appreciate how Arland's religion is regarded as something valuable and interesting, and not something they need to learn to leave behind to be enlightened by Jiyel's rationality (I'm not religious myself, but fascinated and admirative of it in all forms, it's truly a beautiful thing!).
- blackmailed Zarad and it was awful (but so cool).
- got killed by Gisette and it was great.
- blackmailed and fooled Gisette and that was great also (I love her).
- finished Clarmont's route, mostly just as an interesting route to pursue while checking out and completing different Revaire variations, but... even though he was always around the bottom of my ranking of favourite ROs, he turned out to be soooo cute ohhhh my goshhh I appreciate him so much more (my pirate called him Clary!!!!).
- just started Lyon's route and am already squealing as well at how cute he turns out to be so fast. Dearly looking forward to how he's going to surprise and make me melt, like every other RO has surpassed my expectations.
And there's still some variations and a few entire routes I haven't even started!
Once more, Aly, thank you so much for this game, your character-writing is so so good and the story and the philosophies in it are so so good, I love this game so much.
Yeah as soon as I saw the option "be tried as war criminals" I thought "she's definitely gonna stab me for this". But you know what, kinda worth it ( me a simp for hot morally complicated women)
Poor Clarmont...but I get it, gotta complete all the possible routes even if they're horrible lol. I really wanted the manipulation bonus for Jarrod/Gisette, but felt guilty for Sarya and the rebels. I'll make it up to them in my future playthroughs
I just completely sabotaged everything I could in the negotiations, got a series of gruesome horrible endings after horrible endings... and didn't unlock the "Burn it all down" achievement?? I hope that was just caused by the couple of glitches I encountered, because otherwise... It can get worse than this??
(I suppose not everyone had died and I didn't even blackmail Lisle or Zarad.)
Okay! It took a bunch of trial and error and minor adjustments of the builds I had been playing with in the extended demo for the past few years, but I did it! I have successfully made a MC for each of the six main backgrounds who can:
It took a lot of work and adjustments and all that but I honestly found it really fun trying to to figure out what time to devote where and what could I give up and getting the math just right so I could pull it off. And I finally did! Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to brag a little about managing to get this done!
Yup yup! All without NG+ bonuses! It was a lot of fine tuning and probably the most time I've spent on a calculator and Excel spreadsheets since I graduated from college 😂 No room for error in order to get the stats just right for everything but I managed to pull it off!
My Hise, Corval, and Wellin MCs actually didn't need any changing (thank goodness an ethical Wellin MC can convince Ana for peace in week 6 without 415 persuasion), my Revaire MC needed some minor adjustments so I could have enough persuasion and get enough diplomacy flags to impress the ambassadors and speak up during the week 6 welcome feast, my Arland MC needed some adjustment to be persuasive enough to convince Ana for peace, and my Jiyel MC was the one who needed the most adjustments made to have the persuasion and interpersonal insight necessary for weeks 6 and 7. I can't tell you how many times I had to start over because I was just a TINY bit off from passing a necessary skill check 😭😭😭 But I did it in the end!
I love both of the horrid royal siblings to death but something that's been nagging me really hard is, why can we get a good romance ending with Gisette, but not with Jarrod? There's a route where we try to befriend and deprogram him but it doesn't really go anywhere unless you aim for the Absolute Golden Ending and not get with him in any shape or form, even politically.
I kind of get that his route is supposed to be a twist on the 'taming the bad guy' romance trope, but it feels like a bit of a 'fuck you' given we can play it straight with his sister who's arguably much, much more dangerous. Jarrod is one of the youngest delegates on the island, not particularly smart and indoctrinated to hell and back, but still seems receptive to change if you know how to play him. It's hard for me to see someone like him as irredeemable the way he ends up portrayed in the game. Gisette meanwhile is a cunning and unapologetic plotter who didn't think twice about trying to get us killed, and yet we can get her to soften up and defrost. Isn't she just as big of a risk relationship-wise? Why do we only get punished if we try to get in with her brother?
also ftr I know the poly ending exists but poly's an acquired taste esp given the mild incest vibes in that route
Jarrod isn't irredeemable, just not when he is still in power and still gets what he wants. And you can't romance him if he loses power because he resents you for it, which makes sense as what he feels about an MC that romances him is closer to infatuation than true love.
What I think is the problem here is that the game doesn't indicate you are maintaining a relationship with Jarrod after you get the golden ending for him and Revaire. After all the effort to redeem him, he isn't mentioned as your friend during the friendship section, which is unrewarding and gives players less space for a post-Summit romancing Jarrod headcanon.
I'd love to see Aly add a friendship section in the epilogue for Jarrod, but the game is already so massive and took so long to make, requests should be made in moderation.
To be fair, even in his best ending, Jarrod strikes me as kind of an “out of sight, out of mind” kind of guy. I can’t really see him putting in the effort to write letters and keep up correspondence with anyone who isn’t directly relevant to him - so maybe it would only be viable to stay friends if the MC ends up in Revaire at the end of the game? Not sure if he gets any extra epilogue content on those routes or not.
Jarrod exists, first and foremost, as commentary on misogyny and romanticization of abuse in the genre, which means that any indication that your love for him is capable of changing him undermines the character's reason for existing in the first place. (I specify "your love for him" because outside of physical attraction or the thrill of the chase, I just don't get the feeling he actually likes MC all that much?) He also, frankly, lacks the self-awareness to reflect on the possibility of change as necessary; why would he, if he already gets everything he wants? (Gisette, whatever her other flaws, does not have this problem.)
Edited for formatting/minor rewording.
Bro I just got the non-standard ending where you run away from the Summit with Hamin, and I'm so glad it's an option. I even like that it's a "bad ending" because the scandal throws the entire Summit into chaos and nixes any chance of peaceful resolutions. I like when games let you take that "third option" or follow through with a bad idea just to see what the consequences would be.
Great game but I have one small bug/complain. :-) [Spoilers!]
There is a mess in epilogue with Avalie. :-) I got her respect and friendship but since I was rping the same bitch as she was :-) I blackmailed (=betrayed) her in the end. And thanks to that in the epilogue I got first the section saying she was making my life miserable (as my now lifelong rival) and then the second part claiming the exact opposite - that she was a powerful ally (as my friend).
In general I think not only one text should be displayed but also adjusted based on our "battles" in game. I defeated her in everything including the trial. So I think I have proven to be an even bigger intrigant. :-) After all that's why she respected me. So I think even as my lifelong rival the text should be less one sided in such case. She might have been making my life miserable but I would surely bite back with equal ferocity and deadliness. :-) And that should be mentioned - imho. ;-) While - of course - the friendship part removed in such case. :-)