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A member registered Jul 08, 2022

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My battle against PayPal was successful ✌ Game has been downloaded and I'm off to play at last!

I see. Oh well, I really wanna play so I’ll see if I can get PayPal working for me. I’ll do my best!

Congrats on the release! I've been following development for so long so it's great to see the game finally come out! But is there no way to purchase it using a card? Usually buying games on gives you a PayPal and card option but I only saw the PayPal option here, which unfortunately won't be able to work for me.

The main thing is you need to make sure Lyon's romance level is high enough and that your MC is ethical and compassionate. After that it's a matter of you picking the right dialogue options in the choices that come afterwards. As long as you picked all the right answers OR picked almost every right answer (I think you can miss one or two) and have at least 400 persuasion you should be good to go with him!

Yup yup! All without NG+ bonuses! It was a lot of fine tuning and probably the most time I've spent on a calculator and Excel spreadsheets since I graduated from college 😂 No room for error in order to get the stats just right for everything but I managed to pull it off! 

My Hise, Corval, and Wellin MCs actually didn't need any changing (thank goodness an ethical Wellin MC can convince Ana for peace in week 6 without 415 persuasion), my Revaire MC needed some minor adjustments so I could have enough persuasion and get enough diplomacy flags to impress the ambassadors and speak up during the week 6 welcome feast, my Arland MC needed some adjustment to be persuasive enough to convince Ana for peace, and my Jiyel MC was the one who needed the most adjustments made to have the persuasion and interpersonal insight necessary for weeks 6 and 7. I can't tell you how many times I had to start over because I was just a TINY bit off from passing a necessary skill check 😭😭😭 But I did it in the end!

Okay! It took a bunch of trial and error and minor adjustments of the builds I had been playing with in the extended demo for the past few years, but I did it! I have successfully made a MC for each of the six main backgrounds who can:

  • Secure the affections of all the approved matchmaker options, as well as Jasper and Ria (including convincing Ria to leave the Isle with me even when not pursuing her)
  • Become close friends with Penelope, Cordelia, and Avalie, as well as getting the breakfast scene with all three of them in week 7 (was unable to ally with Avalie since I didn't have time to spare on the Weaver chain but we still became buds 🥰)
  • Complete the Historian and Rebel chains
  • Have successful hosting events in week 1 and 3
  • Do a perfect introduction in week 1, win with a team I lead in the boat race, completely impress the matchmaker, get perfect acquittal for the trial, a perfect success on the play, and host a successful ball in week 6
  • Manage to avoid all the death events WITHOUT having to resort to story mode shenanigans to save me
  • Successfully complete the personal plots
  • Able to get Penelope to visit Skalt, convince Ana to fight for peace, and otherwise maintained good relations with the other delegates (other than the Revaire Royals who I had basically ignored 😂) and cooled down my rivalry with Blain so that they all supported peace during negotiations and able to convince them to agree to beneficial stuff, knowledge exchanges, trades, and otherwise working together during the negotiations
  • Learn Sayra's secret and got her to agree to a peaceful end to the Revaire conflict, as well as successfully persuading Gisette to get her family to step down peacefully (and without having to blackmail her)
  • Got all the ambassadors to go into the discussion with peace on their minds (except Cato who only my Revaire girl had the stats to deal with but honestly screw him anyways 😒)
  • Got peaceful or better endings for all the nations by the end (the only thing stopping my Revaire girl from getting the Katyia's Legacy achievement was me not giving a damn about Jarrod, but I wouldn't be able to spare time for him anyways so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
  • Got the epilogues for Penelope, Cordelia, and whoever I pursued for the run (I assume I can only get Avalie's through allying with her so that's sad but like I said at least we still became friends)

It took a lot of work and adjustments and all that but I honestly found it really fun trying to to figure out what time to devote where and what could I give up and getting the math just right so I could pull it off. And I finally did! Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to brag a little about managing to get this done!

The main thing with Clarmont is you gotta complete the Rebel secret chain and have more than 50% Rebel approval. And then in the conversation where he’s trying to dump you make sure to pick the right answers otherwise even if you got the scenes and approval you’ll still get dumped. Other than that, as far as I know, you should be good to stay with Clarmont!

I figured, thanks for confirming for me! I had planned all my MCs for each background in a way that they could successfully get with all the approved romances, befriend Penelope, Cordelia, and Avalie (though for Avalie I’ll be buddies with her but can’t ally with her since my builds can’t afford for me to spend free time to complete the Weaver scenes 😂), uncover the Historians, and successfully get through the week challenges. I’ll have to see if I’m somehow able to do both Historians and Rebels with my current builds for each background. I got the stats for both, the problem is if the loss of the free time slots will make things harder for me in the challenges if my stats aren’t enough….If not, like I said before, back to the drawing board for me!

I feel like I’m seeing different answers to this so I was hoping someone could confirm this for sure. Is completing the Rebel path the only way to keep Clarmont from breaking up with you? I had been prioritizing the Historian chain but if that’s the only way to stay with Clarmont I’ll have to go back to the drawing board with crafting my MCs…

Thanks so much for the assistance! Is there any way I’d be able to privately send you my email? I’d just rather not have my email listed publicly in the replies 😅

Hey there! I've been following your game for a few years now and I'm so eager to play the full version (or at least part 1 for now)! I've been eagerly awaiting adventuring with Shawn and the gang! That being said I seem to be having an issue. I bought the game on release day a few days ago. Today I had to delete it thanks to tech issues on my end but when I went to redownload the game from the URL provides, I'm only getting the option to download the demo only even though I definitely paid for the game itself. Any help you can give? And anyone else having similar issues?