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For screen resolution, I'm on 1920x1080. Attached below is what it looks like in full screen (scaled down to 0.25 to not be so large an image). I noticed when I start a fresh game in full screen, it looks good. But at some point after I start, it changed to this. Is this some sort of dynamic resizing code you have?

Good point on watching the bugs. If the wait time during buy phase is skippable, they probably don't have to be pushed in as much.

I'll have to look into how to test for different resolutions. The Canvas which holds all the UI is fitted to the player camera. So if the resolution changes, it changes and the pieces inside that Canvas shift as well. I was having problems the last day getting the scaling done right and it was acting weird. Even in my browser, it cuts off the top and bottom little section of the UI picture but all the gameplay elements are fine. Thanks for the attached screenshot. 

Adding a skip button should be pretty easy, I'll jot that down.