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A lot of clever ideas in these. Orchestration is solid and each of the arrangements are well done. My favorite of the bunch is The Outside World - the progression in this one is nice; has me feeling pensive. The ticking clock acting as a pseudo-metronome is genius and a great way to paint a picture within a picture - the music had me feeling contemplative, but that beat kept me aware of what was going on around me.

Honorable mention to the synth melodies in Neural Highways - it made for a nice change of voicing. Only thing I think I could suggest is having some more percussive elements scattered throughout - doesn't need to be drum lines or anything of the sort, but something akin to the ticking that gives a rhythm here and there. Great work all in all, these were a fun listen and it all fits thematically. :)


Thank you!

I was aproud of the ticking clock motif. You're probably right about the percussion though, the first three all have percussion to some degree, but maybe there should be something more prominent.

I made everything on my synth, and it was a bit clunky to make the percussion on it. I'll try MIDI next time.

Far from a detraction on the piece - something to consider in the future is all. Something as simple as a gated pad or a rhythmic sequence using some pitch env mods to add a little extra movement and swing. Kudos for making it all on a synth, I admire the dedication in that regard. Came out well in the end!