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I liked this game a lot! I appreciate your team going for such an experimental approach - I think it really paid off. Here's my thoughts on the game:


  • This game is very original. It almost feels like something I'd see in an interactive museum exhibit, but more fleshed-out and extensive.
  • I like the game's visual aesthetic, and I particularly its use of real-life photographs. While it's a little rough, I think it has some real charm to it.
  • The generative soundtrack is very cool! I really like all the speech babbles that NPCs emit when they speak.
  • I appreciate how much progression there is, even within such a short time. I also appreciate that even though this is a very narrative-focused game, you're always giving the player interesting things to do.


  • It's difficult to distinguish background objects from foreground objects.
  • The sharp black blocks that delineate playable space look very out-of-place and placeholder-esque. I liked what you were doing towards the end of the game, where kelp strands became the obstacles instead.

Overall I'm impressed with this project for its bold originality, unique aesthetic, and fun gameplay. Great job!