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A Drop In The OceanView game page

An underwater narrative adventure celebrating the life beneath the waves šŸŒŠ
Submitted by blubberbaleen (@blubberbaleen) ā€” 1 hour, 5 minutes before the deadline
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Game Title
A Drop In The Ocean

Developer Name
Hydrophile Games

Short Promo Blurb
An underwater narrative adventure celebrating the life beneath the waves šŸŒŠ

Full Description
In 'A Drop In The Ocean', that's what you are - just a tiny raindrop falling from a thunderstorm into the sea. When you first arrive, you can barely do anything. But as you explore your surroundings, you encounter a myriad of marine life, from the tiny phytoplankton trying to get some sunlight at the surface to enormous kelp forests reaching up from deeper waters. These lifeforms tell you stories, inspired by a mixture of scientific research and folk tales, that lead you to discover more about the ocean, the struggles it faces, and how it defends itself from human intrusion. And as you learn, you gain special abilities that help you progress in your journey.

This is a short interactive narrative game created for Climate Jam 2024. You can play it in your browser, you only need a mouse. Most of the gameplay is exploring your bit of ocean and the lifeforms that live in it - thereā€™s no fail state or high score, just go through it at your own pace.

Promo Image(s)

Promo Video

Artistic Statement / Use of Theme(s)
We wanted to explore lesser-explored aspects of the climate emergency, focusing on the ocean and the lifeforms that live in it. The way the ocean ecosystem is so interdependent and symbiotic was a huge inspiration to us. Even within conversations about cooperation, we are so individualism-obsessed that it always boils down to selfishness - we say ā€œIā€™ll be good to the community because thatā€™ll help me in turnā€. The climate crisis demands a radical shift in thinking, and weā€™re asking whether maybe we can learn from the ocean. We also wanted to highlight some different stories of climate ā€˜justiceā€™ - we thought itā€™d be really interesting to do this from the perspective of non-human actors. In this case, we focused on the attacks on boats by orcas in the Mediterranean. We imagined a world in which this is part of a coordinated movement by the ocean in response to the catastrophic overfishing and pollution in that region.

Development Summary
Two of us (Xavi: sound, and VirĆ”g: visuals) joined this game jam as a way to explore new concepts and tools. We then found TĆ©tĆ© through the IndieCade Discord server, who joined as a programmer. The overall story and design was worked on collaboratively between the three of us. We started from a very vague concept - you play as a drop in the ocean, and there should be a strong interactive sound element. After an initial meeting, we solidified our gameā€™s key pillars: poetic encounters with marine life, a minimalist style, the tactility of sound underwater, and a surface to sea floor progression. We decided to make a web game as weā€™ve all had experience making things in javascript, and itā€™d be a good chance to go deeper into some web frameworks. We ended up using the web engine PlayCanvas since we decided to do a 2D game.

As a small team of 3, we always had to keep scope in mind. So we had to cut quite a few ideas, or park them for any later development. We used this as a constructive limitation - for example, instead of creating a million high-res assets for a rich, teeming marine environment, we went for a minimalist, 2D style which would be more realistic in terms of time, and also less of an optimisation headache, but is also potentially a more interesting aesthetic. The biggest change from original ideas was not implementing a lot of the generative visuals and audio in favour of getting assets finished. However, we did manage do this with the music, which is being synthesised in real-time, controlled by gameplay events such as the character moving into new areas, or to underscore different stages of each story.

Release Plan
It is definitely at least functional across narrative, visuals, mechanics and audio, although it would need more polish to be released as a full game. We wrote a lot more content than what we ended up being able to fit into the game which weā€™d like to implement - these are additional encounters with increasingly large life forms in deeper waters, tackling bigger environmental issues. It could definitely use another pass on assets as some of them are a little rough round the edges. But code-wise itā€™s pretty strong, with a fairly generalised codebase so creating additional narratives will be much quicker than getting them in in the first place.

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  • The game did a great job making use of the limited graphics to communicate a meaningful message!
  • I appreciated the little jokes scattered throughout
  • The idea of being a drop in the ocean is so unique and creative, I love it!
  • The evolution in gameplay mechanics felt very natural and clear
  • I only wish everything in the world was a bit more expressive!

This game is awesome! I love the message, and I enjoyed the simple gameplay. The art style is a really interesting mix of realism and pixel art. I would possibly update the UI text boxes in the future to reflect more of an ocean vibe, but they serve their purpose for now! Overall, I think you did a great job getting your message and the theme of "change the story" across. Great job!


very very good game, I really like how  you progress throughout the game (the 2 albitites are really cool) and you playing as a drop of water is really cool. I also really liked the dialogue sound effects. Maybe it could be longer and the borders are pretty obvious.


The game is really cute and fun, I love how the animals or creatures have been personified. The game is very informative and feels like it would feel right at home in the brainPOP or PBS kids games. The direction of where to go was a little confusing, you won't know you aren't going the wrong way until you hit a barrier in the game. 


Beautiful but confusing. The audio and graphics are both impressive. Happy to see someone use PlayCanvas for a change. However, the game is not easy to understand. The missions could be more clearly described. Now I feel like a drop floating around in an ocean, which might be fun for a while, but not in the long run.


I liked this game a lot! I appreciate your team going for such an experimental approach - I think it really paid off. Here's my thoughts on the game:


  • This game is very original. It almost feels like something I'd see in an interactive museum exhibit, but more fleshed-out and extensive.
  • I like the game's visual aesthetic, and I particularly its use of real-life photographs. While it's a little rough, I think it has some real charm to it.
  • The generative soundtrack is very cool! I really like all the speech babbles that NPCs emit when they speak.
  • I appreciate how much progression there is, even within such a short time. I also appreciate that even though this is a very narrative-focused game, you're always giving the player interesting things to do.


  • It's difficult to distinguish background objects from foreground objects.
  • The sharp black blocks that delineate playable space look very out-of-place and placeholder-esque. I liked what you were doing towards the end of the game, where kelp strands became the obstacles instead.

Overall I'm impressed with this project for its bold originality, unique aesthetic, and fun gameplay. Great job!


This is super engaging and fun. I especially enjoyed the almost theater aspect of each ocean character, like each has their own personality and role. I noticed the stereo sound which is cool too and it tickled my brain quite nicely. I will say reading all the text loses my short attention span so some ui that keeps it easy to categorize info and hold my attention would be great.


A nice little narrative piece, the NPC "babble voices" were pretty entertaining, i do like how it gives a voice to all of the various animals and vegetation that makes up an ecosystem, it is quite hard to determine what their role is without hearing what they have to say, and this game does a good job of giving them that voice.


This game was very entertaining especially by personifying the many parts of the ocean.  One issue I had was that even though I never completed the krill mission, I was still allowed to complete the game... The blue jellyfish in both foreground and background caused me a little difficulty at the beginning of the game as I kept swimming towards something that wasn't there. By simplifying the background graphics and adding more animations would make this game look more polished, but this game was a narrative delight!


So much information packed into one artsy game, really amazing, including the thing that happened literally just yesterday. Graphics in general is pretty but I loved the lower seagrass scenery the most.


an audiovisual treat from start to finish! such a cool style, well done.