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Idk how to fully articulate the feelings I get from this song but its almost like the ocean contains this ancient lore and mystery, and i love it so much. big fan of the choral work, and just wanted to ask, in the first like 20 or 30 seconds of the track theres like this wind instrument that I KNOW i've heard before with those exact same notes and rythm but I have no idea where its from.


I'm assuming those sounds you're talking about are those super subtle sounds that sound like whales? I'm very glad you noticed them, I tried to bury them to the point where they were almost subconscious . As for the instrument? I'm certain you've heard the instrument, it's called whistling!!! hahaha!!!!


wow i can't believe there was whale subliminal messaging in my OST Composing jam #7, pretty cool addition honestly though I'll have to check the guidelines to make sure that this whale mind control is legal. And I can't believe that I was once thought you were a wholesome married man with a child, I in my naivety asked a question in which I had been frothing to know and what do I get for my patience. YOU LAUGHING TO MY FACE, just you wait pal, whale subliminal messaging is illegal in 48 states,  so prepare for a heap of legal trouble. We'll see who's whistling then.