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As others have said, the live instrumentation was a good choice. The track is lovely and I can tell you put great effort into this, good job. I honestly have no idea how to record drums without getting a bunch of drum mics so its really cool that you were able to do it without all that and make it sound pretty cool.

genuinely a great track by itself, the guitar is super nice and chord progression just feels good. Everything about it imo is done really well but there is one thing. I really wish you would've added some soft percussion like shakers or rim shots just something cause wow that would have made this even more of a vibe. 

with the picture of bob side by side with the track, it fits a little too well, but in a actual crossing game I can't really envision it, though I was imagining more so going into a animals house and that being there like theme. It sounds pretty nice and brings a lot of different vibes to the table.

Captured the tropical vibe pretty well, the beginning of the track felt in place in a animal of the crossing game, though near the end it went a little too far out there (too much was happening ig, takes away a little of the minimalism of the games). Nonetheless a really solid track great job.

woah, this is really cool sounding and just a great track by itself. It does stray away from the animal crossing vibe I feel as its too much of a (how do I say this) a song? But that doesn't take away at all that it sounds great and feels good to walk around in the sun in. 

real good, the beginning of the track took me back to wild world and like the gamecube game but later on I got more of a new horizons feel.  though imo i def get more of a 7pm 8pm kinda feel from this but I can see the 4pm in there as well. Great Job!!

You know what just forget everything I said in the paragraph before and lets just say that I wanted the dog to just be jamming on the beach no thoughts in head just vibe and tide : )

Thank you very much, it took a little bit of persuasion to get Mr old KK on the track, but now we're here. I can see how it can be random, I prob should've showed the track to a couple of friends beforehand to see if they found it jarring or random. Thank you very much for listening and feedback : )

Yeah the thing is that I've listened to my track so many times that it doesn't seem random to me since I know whats gonna happen. I would change some things up from the vocal lines but I'm honestly pretty happy with them, though some K.K notes I kinda wish there was a way to use different vowels but Its alright. The cuica (I love so much) I really wanted to utilize it cause its a fun little thang, I can't tell if you're saying it goes hard like its sick, or it goes hard as in its harsh. Either ways I appreciate you listening and giving me some feedback, Thank you very much, and thank you as well for hosting this jam it was really fun.

Ive read this comment like 10 times and i still can't decipher if this is a compliment or not. If it is thank you very much, if its not I prob will like  cry a little like 5 min tops, maybe more if I look at your pfp while crying.

Ok thats what I was guessing, but calling it sunny island area and then putting a pic of the beach kinda put me off. Im so happy I found the KK slider soundfont, I was originally just gonna put his whistle but damn his voice was so good with the track. so uh question when you say more work on the stereo field what does that mean and how do i do it. But thank you very much for the kind words!!

Im glad people are finding my track "interesting" and "unconventional", cause top secret, if i put the pdf of the muse score sheet music all you would see is the same chords over and over again just modulated a bit. Thanks for enjoying, hopefully k.k will come back from retirement.

I'm glad you said that cause thats exactly what I wanted to put in peoples head. Just a dog and his guitar jamming on the beach. Thanks for listening!!!

Yeah you know, had to call up the dawg for the occasion, of course I'm a man of great power and influence so he said "yes" of course. And now we are here with possibly the song of every summer to come. tbh I didn't even notice the dissonance on the track until people started commenting about it, but I'm glad it worked, I'm a big fan of the bossa and samba genre so I'm glad I was given the excuse to make a little jam.

Thank you very much. Honestly, the only reason I went with a more unique approach is that I had no idea what the prompt was asking of me lol.

Im sorry for causing you to be permanently scared for the rest of your life. It was not my intention to cause harm onto this world yet I unleashed a beast that cannot be contained. I hope you get well soon, if not please do not blame it on me it was your choice to listen to my tracks I even put warnings. I will put up a fight in court my father is Mr. Judge, you will come out of court more scared then when you came in. 

woah...  I wasn't expecting to get this. This is awesome, made my day honestly. I'm really happy you found IN a BUBBLE to have some resemblance to botw, I was honestly trying to get that vibe as I had recently listened to Miphas song, and felt inspired. Chicken Fight or Chicken Flight as you call it (which honestly I think might be a better title I'll decide later) is my probably favorite that I made, the bass Im really happy with, it adds a lot and fills some voids. Happy you liked Now bear with me, I was semi worried that track wouldn't land well, but I think from the comments I've received it did. And Like a Bubble I was kinda iffy about in the beginning but once I added the pizzicato strings I got reminded of this theme "L'amore dice ciao (slow take)" and I knew that I had to add the brushes, and it honestly turned into one of my favorites. Thank you greatly for using your time to give me an in depth analysis on my tracks, I genuinely am grateful, I wasn't expecting this at all.  Best of luck to you as well!!!

Funny?? Alright tough guy, we all know you pissed yourself reading the titles, you don't gotta be ashamed so did everyone else (except me). Im glad you found them interesting, my biggest worry was having them be boring to listen to. Thank you for commenting!!!

Thank you for addressing the song with its official title, Mr. Bear Jr gets a little pissed when people don't treat his song with respect. Thank you for the tool, the volume issue is dependent on how you listen to the track. thank you for listening and commenting!!!

Yeah I had to hold back on the scariness, if I would've done a third scary song, well lets just say I would be 6 feet into the ground right now.  Thank you for enjoying the tracks, I'm glad people found them fun to listen to! Oh and I'm glad you liked the pictures a lot of heart and time were put into  all four.

Angry Goku GIFs | Tenor

You must have some balls to laugh at the face of the bear, I mean it was even hard for me to even look them in the eyes. I'm glad you enjoyed the melodies of my songs, I really tried to hone in on that at least (unlike my mixing 😔 ) Thank you so much for checking out my tracks (i kinda spaced out and locked in to your pfp and noticed that its a J making an F and thats honestly pretty sick I had previously thought it was a snake)

wow i can't believe there was whale subliminal messaging in my OST Composing jam #7, pretty cool addition honestly though I'll have to check the guidelines to make sure that this whale mind control is legal. And I can't believe that I was once thought you were a wholesome married man with a child, I in my naivety asked a question in which I had been frothing to know and what do I get for my patience. YOU LAUGHING TO MY FACE, just you wait pal, whale subliminal messaging is illegal in 48 states,  so prepare for a heap of legal trouble. We'll see who's whistling then.

Yeah I honestly didn't see the volume a problem while making the songs, but once I had put them on youtube and listened to them later on I noticed that it was pretty low. And yeah the mixing I gotta hone in on that for next time, I'm mostly bummed about the bass in chicken fight not being that hearable when you listen to it on a phone without headphones, some of the parts sound pretty empty because of that. But THANK YOU for hearing my tracks and leaving some advice, I'm glad you found my tracks "whimsical" and "amusing" : )

Idk how to fully articulate the feelings I get from this song but its almost like the ocean contains this ancient lore and mystery, and i love it so much. big fan of the choral work, and just wanted to ask, in the first like 20 or 30 seconds of the track theres like this wind instrument that I KNOW i've heard before with those exact same notes and rythm but I have no idea where its from.

I'm glad you took the precautionary measures to be able to hear these songs, It takes a whole lot of strength to get through them without injury. Ima be honest, I'm really shocked you were the first one to say something about the themes,  that was like my biggest worry other than someone saying my songs were dog. I think if I would've explained bear with me with the story i had in mind I could've gotten away with it but I instead chose to uh well yeah. Chicken fight though, yeah I do agree completely, ngl i def got a little selfish and instead of being like hmm I like this but its a little too grand and intense I instead was like damn this is kinda sounding dope ima keep going. BUT IM SUPER HAPPY you liked like a bubble cause that's my favorite one. Thank you so much for hearing my songs and leaving compliments with a side of constructive criticism it means the world to me, so again thank you!!

Really impressive work, I found the second track really awesome, the winds were used really creatively and when that bass hit goddamn I was enthralled.  Also the art even though its pretty simple, captures a lot of the essence that your music gives. So really awesome work all around : )

It was really fun, I mean there was definitely a little stress but once I was in the middle of making each song I eased a little and got into the groove. Definitely the most fun was watching my friend do the artwork for the first two songs, Its such a surreal moment when you see the work put into both art and music and having them side by side and feeling like they mix perfectly.  Thank you very much for the compliments, made me wake up this morning with a smile : ) 

Before uploading the videos, Mr. Youtube got in my dms and told me the videos were too  scary for the general public so they pleaded for me to put the warning. I of course, an altruistic bro, put the warnings and thankfully my videos only have a 3% percent death rate because of it.

ah yeah, what i mostly noticed is that if listening to the songs without headphones the songs at full volume on a phone will still sound quiet and the bass in the songs will be like barely hearable lol. real grateful for your advice, I'll make sure to impress in the future > : ) 

Thank you very much, I'll be sure to put more focus to the mixing of my scores lol.

Thank you so much Mr. Ultimate, I appreciate your kindness a lot : )