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A jam submission

Song of Ocean - Jason Patrick DuncanView project page

A song inspired by my daughter and her wonderful mother, taking a little underwater adventure!
Submitted by BoodleBops — 7 hours, 31 minutes before the deadline
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Song of Ocean - Jason Patrick Duncan's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#424.1474.147

Ranked from 34 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Genre: I can't tell you what the genre is, I don't think it fits with any genre.

Kind of game: I imagined a game that is extremely beautiful, whimsical, but also eerie at times, where a mother takes her daughter through an oceanic journey. I wanted to capture the beauty of the ocean and it's life, while acknowledging the dangers of the deep.

What the track represents: listening to the song, I would imagine it would fit into a long cut scene that introduces the story, the setting, and the mood...

How did I compose: I used FL studio to record my voice, piano, baritone ukelele, cajon, and tambourine. I used several dozens of vocal tracks to layer my voice into a choir.

DAW: FL Studio

Message from the artist

This song is dedicated to my daughter and my wife! As soon as I saw the theme I envisioned them both in the image you guys provided!!!

Please watch the video! I had so much fun doing this :)))


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
Though it doesn't have lyrics, the moods and themes within the song are supposed to represent the 'daughter and mother' depicted in the image. Since my wife is Hawaiian, I imagined the whole song was about her giving our daughter a tour of the ocean, showing her even the scary parts!!

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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When I looked at your project file, I was scared...

*Delta Fox makes strange fox sounds expressing utter admiration for the beauty of your soundtrack*


Lol did you mean the image of the like 300 plus tracks?


This is magical!

Not sure what it is, but there are instant underwater vibes, especially when the harps come in. You take this track to so many places. Would not have expected the voices but they fit so well. Some really beautiful chord combos too. Ending left me hanging a bit. I was so captivated I would have wished for this to go on and on! Maybe try making it loop?

Very well polished track with attention to detail. This was very enjoyable. Thanks for sharing!


Such a cool song with a unique progression! So much much passion went into this, with the video editing as a bonus 👌

Your composition style and harmonic choices are very interesting. You captured a magical vibe with a sense of wonder and comforting let go. It is really enjoyable. I like ot a lot! :D

And the fact that you recorded accoustic instruments blended with your voice (I presume) helps giving this piece it's cozy vibe. Superb job and a unique submission, congratulations and thanks for sharing ! :)


Absolutely lovely! Very cool how you were able to seamlessly go through different feelings like serene and mysterious/foreboding, back to a calming vibe. Incredible composition and really moving! Awesome job!


Great mood! Really like your vocal arrangements, it really gives something more to the track!


Lovely acoustic music. very unique submission!!

Really nice harmonic choices! I enjoyed from start to finish.

Excellent work!!!


Great track, sounds like a smoother and softer Diablo OST mix with some prog in there. Well mixed, composition is really moving filled with emotions. "Jacob Collier looking at your 19 layers of Vocal : "Only 19?!" Great job !


Haha I am super glad you recognized my progressive influence- I listen to a lot of progressive metal and jazz. Tesseract and Periphery are huge influences for me funnily enough considering the overall happy mood.


very sweet song with a lot of soul shown through! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)


What a beautiful gift for your loved ones. Incredible track, amazing!


This is a beautiful track! The real instrumentation and vocals really tie everything together. My only criticism is that, at later parts of the song, it feels like the vocals should be more powerful - but I have no idea really, I’ve never worked with vocal elements. I believe this fits the theme perfectly, having imagined the picture theme before I even saw it in the description. Lovely submission!


The beginning instantly reminded me of the time rifts in A Hat In Time!

Some of the instruments also reminded me of mario galaxy!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The vocal parts are a great addition to the track, listening them coming in and out felt like a treat to me. the over ambience really nails the exploration vibe you're going for. And the music video is amazing, I like the different shots of you playing the piano and such.

Now about me being nitpicky, since I saw more shots in the music video about flowers than water or like the ocean despite calling it the Song of Ocean, not even a stock video or something. But the fact you decided to make a music video is enough for this soundtrack to be good.

I heard from the discord that there are some strange comments out there, something about lawsuits and divorce.


I've been informed by my lawyer that I am not liable for any damages, injuries, deaths, or conditions inflicted by my subliminal whale noises.
with that being said- I didn't have access to an ocean for the music video unfortunately. I made the whole video with my wife 7 hours before the deadline haha! But that is a good point. Thank you for your kind words!!!


Angry Goku GIFs | Tenor





Idk how to fully articulate the feelings I get from this song but its almost like the ocean contains this ancient lore and mystery, and i love it so much. big fan of the choral work, and just wanted to ask, in the first like 20 or 30 seconds of the track theres like this wind instrument that I KNOW i've heard before with those exact same notes and rythm but I have no idea where its from.


I'm assuming those sounds you're talking about are those super subtle sounds that sound like whales? I'm very glad you noticed them, I tried to bury them to the point where they were almost subconscious . As for the instrument? I'm certain you've heard the instrument, it's called whistling!!! hahaha!!!!


wow i can't believe there was whale subliminal messaging in my OST Composing jam #7, pretty cool addition honestly though I'll have to check the guidelines to make sure that this whale mind control is legal. And I can't believe that I was once thought you were a wholesome married man with a child, I in my naivety asked a question in which I had been frothing to know and what do I get for my patience. YOU LAUGHING TO MY FACE, just you wait pal, whale subliminal messaging is illegal in 48 states,  so prepare for a heap of legal trouble. We'll see who's whistling then.


Was very intrigued when I saw you couldn't put a genre to this! If I had to I would probably describe this as contemporary classical with a bit of an ambient influence.

Anyway, this was a really nice track, everything's really well recorded and mixed, especially great job with layering your voice into a choir. I really like the music you've written too and how you have a continuous feel of mystery whilst effortlessly gliding between a sense of wonder and one of looming danger. 

I think you've done a good job of getting across the narrative you've described and there definitely is a sense of the ocean throughout, in a way it's a little reminiscent of pieces by Camille Saint Saens & Erik Satie that reference the sea/ocean.

Great job on the video too, I really enjoyed watching that.


Thank you so much for referring to it as contemporary classical- you don't know how much that means to me. I try not to label my music as classical because I feel like I would be disrespecting the name of it by doing so. I don't know if that's unproductive, I just never thought my music would be considered worthy of that title.

Your comment is extremely valuable to me, I appreciate it so much, it truly means a lot.




Woohoo!!! Couldn't ask for a better review :)


A bit scary (as it supposed to be), but still beautiful and relaxing!! Great job!!


I'm glad you thought so- thank you :)))


I didn't join the jam, but holy hell this song is a unit. Beautiful front to back!


I enjoyed the first part - as it reminded me of certain locations in FF7 and FF8. The awkward and strange places.


What a beautiful composition! Those atmospheric melodies really took me somewhere! Great job!


Simply a perfectly nice, warm song. GG !

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