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This is the first work I ran into in the jam that I wanted to comment on.

I feel that, above all else, a soundtrack's job is to be memorable and decorate the game/movie with a whole new emotion or impression. I feel that's what some of the tracks on this set achieved. I would be so glad to open up a game and hear this music in it, I'd know that I'm in for a higher quality adventure.

I almost refuse to believe that you guys got all this done within the limited time!

While all the tracks spoke volumes of the competence behind the artists regarding consistency, composition, and even mastering (my sweet god, someday I'll master a song properly), Scot Hsu in particular seemingly composed all the tracks that called my attention, my favorite being Bubble Waltz, a song that will transport anyone back to Onett and Snowdin. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it's a piece that would have fit well into the soundtracks for Earthbound or Undertale. Of all the tracks I've listen to so far, I will not forget that one.


Aw thank you so much for taking the time to comment! We were going for music that was memorable and I’m happy that we achieved that for you! Earthbound was a favorite JRPG for me growing up, I’m seeing the connection now that you mention it. Glad you liked Bubble Waltz, I used my Ibanez 4 string bass with flatwound strings for that one, you can hear the Red Hot Chili Peppers influence in that piece.

I knew it had something to do with me going to seem them. Very sneaky!