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Really great submission with a unique theme supported by incredibly strong visuals and perfectly fitting sound design. The animations and character designs really make it stand out and I love how the player/enemies get progressively creepier each level. Each level is long enough to be engaging without becoming repetitive, and the bosses are a lot of fun. The difficulty curve is well thought out with each level being slightly harder than the previous, I felt sufficiently challenged without being overwhelmed.

An issue I did encounter is since all enemies are spawned at the start of the level I was able to shoot and kill some enemies while they are off screen, however I don't think this detracted from the overall experience much.

Overall a very strong shoot-em-up that I spent a lot of time trying to beat and had a blast while doing it. Clearly a lot of thought and polish went into it, the entire team should be very proud - really well done!


Ayyy that's really nice  thanks for your feedback! :))))) Definitely take on what you said about the gameplay but glad you liked the game :D