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1. Going in, I wasn't really sure what to expect out of the soundtrack, but the first piece paints an adventurous tone evoking the sense of some classic space movies.

2. I like the instrumentation. First time seeing a harmonica in one of these entries.

3. Loved this one. It feels a lot cleaner then the first two entries and is super head-bobbable. A like how the melody is passed around the band. I haven't seen a jazz piece in any of the entries yet either, so this was a great breath of fresh air. Well done!

4. I can see why the you selected 4 genres in the submission. This one is also well made and catchy.

5. reminded me of track 1.

6. Some nice call and response between piano and percussion. There's not much i have to say about it, but I can see  a track like this having its place in a real soundtrack.

7. A much darker take compared to the others. Its good on its own, but I really wish there was a last track that would end the whole thing off on a lighter note.

A very creative soundtrack the blends multiple genres; I enjoyed it a lot. The best of this submission came when you leaned into the catchy, fun aspect of your game. The standout track was without a doubt Meal Rush. Also, I didn't know you had descriptions for your game until half way through (you should copy paste them from your project homepage to the submission page, there's an "edit submission button" at the top of the page). 

Nicely done!

Sorry for the late reply, but thanks for letting me know your thoughts about my work! It's really helpful.