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A jam submission

CosmocatsView project page

Submitted by Woolstone — 20 minutes, 33 seconds before the deadline
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Correlation to theme#4113.2643.264

Ranked from 53 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I loved the fact that it explored various genres. I really liked it, congratulations on your work.


Really digging the range of styles here. I always appreciate when an artist branches out into a lot of different genres.

Great job with this OST!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice range of styles you got here! This is a great submission, and I find it hard to complain about anything, though I will echo a comment below and suggest finding ways to make the orchestral samples feel a little more realistic, particularly the brass! 

As it stands though, I think you did a fantastic job bringing this world to life! My favorites were Treacherous Space, Meal Rush and Quips and Quirks (this one reminded me so much of Final Fantasy lol).

Nice work!


Oh dang! Your music was really well written, and I loved how dynamic you were with each song in terms of style and composition! Great job! My personal favorite was actually the first track, Cosmocats! Definitely nailed the epic introduction to the astrocats getting ready to fly off into new frontiers. Great job!


There is an impressive range of stylistic approaches shown here! Some really nice development of your tracks. Maybe explore ways of adding more realism to the orchestral programming, as this would help take the tracks to the next level. Some very impressive work overall :)


Cosmocats: Anthem-like opening. Like it!

Wistful Mistin': This has a nostalgic early game feeling to it.

Meal Rush: Walking bass! Vibes:

Delivery: Race vibes. 

Captain's Orders: Your tracks really match the track names. 

Quips and Quirks: Very fun and mischievous. Love the Lydian use.

Treacherous Space: Tone shift! I like this more serious track as a conclusion to the OST.

Great work!


These have a really fun variety on styles, while still being cohesive as a whole! Always a bit in awe how people manage to make so many tracks, while keeping the quality and vibe consistent. 


Space Cat Animal-Crossing is such a chill concept, I can already imagine how the game would go from the music alone. Delivery has got to be one of the highlights of the soundtrack imo just from the energy it brings.

the cover art is also amazing, I liked the narrative of a classic isekai adventure into space with cats.


Thanks! You'll have to thank the artist for designing such cool cover art.


I enjoyed your space adventure theme and ideas! My favorite tracks were "Cosmocats" with its Star Trek main theme vibes and "Wistful Mistin" with its western and space sounds. Thanks for sharing this, great job!


Awesome work! My favs were Wistful Mistin (love that little dim chord you throw in, really makes the wistfulness hit) and the jazziness of Delivery! Overall super varied in the styles you wrote, it's an impressive amount of range!

My one small critical feedback is that in Wistful Mistin, when you use the woodblock, you could probably make the rhythm of it sound a little less robotic (it's a super small nitpick but I didn't feel that way about any of your other percussion, so I think you just need to add a little groove or human touch to it)

Also enjoyed your writeup of your hypothetical game :) and am impressed that you composed so much music in such a short time!


Fun tracks, glad to hear some tracks with the brass with the epic "military", nobody did that yet. There is actually a bunch of style in this song after relistening a second time and everything still fits together. I would look for some mixing issues like Quips and Quirks, the piano as too much bass with the double bass pizz playing, its a bit too much and we're losing the dynamics even though you switched with high notes, they are still muddy at times. Treacherous Space is a good exemple of nice balance you got here and also your best imo. Good job !


Really enjoyed this, especially Cosmocats. Lots of really good synthwork in this album, real good.


The brass in "Cosmocats" has that cheesy space fiction kind of feel to it, I don't even know how to properly describe it but it feels very accurate to the setting. 

"Wistful Mistin'" has a really cool wobbly synth, and some really nice chords. The cowbell, tambourine and accordion definitely relay the feel of a farm while the synth reminds you that we are in space and creates some interesting texture for the track.

Love the bassline and fast percussion in "Meal Rush," it certainly creates a hectic sort of feeling. The piano breaks things up nicely at 0:43, and the call and response bits with the brass and other instruments is a nice touch. I do feel like I got blue-balled a little bit with the drum pick-up; the snare finally kicks in and it feels like we are going to get a nice vibe going only to go back to to the jazzy beat that came before it. It sounds good, don't get me wrong; but you definitely could have extended that section out a few bars just before the snare comes in with more of a steady beat.

Cool melody in "Delivery!" This track gives me the feeling that this section would involve shooting various obstacles in space as you make your way through space traffic with your delivery.

"Captain's Orders" - There's that cheesy brass again. It gives this track a very lighthearted, whimsical feel to it while still delivering that feeling of formality that you are dealing with someone of rank.

The instrument choices in "Quips and Quirks" perfectly relays your intent here; it almost reminds me of something from Disgaea  (a revelation I also experienced with the sound of your brass in comparison to the song that plays for the battles against Earth dwellers later on in the game.) If you aren't familiar with the soundtrack for Disgaea, it has a very whimsical feel to it, much like the game that you have described. In other words, great work in bringing that vibe into your music as you intended!

"Treacherous Space" takes a departure from your previous tracks to deliver some weight to the soundtrack. It's a great contrast to the light-heartedness of the rest of the soundtrack while still feeling very cohesive towards the rest of the album. The strings here - I don't know if they ring to me as a villain theme, it feels more melancholy than anything, as if something sad has happened that has jarred the cast into a more serious moment. Regardless, it's a powerful track and I quite enjoyed it!

Overall, excellent job! A very dynamic track list that never once got stale, while all feeling very related to each other in an album sense. The soundtrack as a whole was just light and fun to listen to, your composition work here is A+.


Thanks so much for the detailed comment! I just want to clarify one minor detail. In the story, the "Delivery" theme actually occurs when the main character is racing inside (and outside) the space colony trying to deliver various parcels to the inhabitants. If you're interested about any lore relating to the story, just ask and I'll be happy to answer any questions that I can!


I really liked the whole OST! I would have to say my favorite track was Wistful Mistin' because of the woodblock. 


Yo! Nice to drop by. I'm glad you liked the woodblock, as it's a piece of percussion that I'm less familiar with. I'm rooting for you to be the first to rate all of the submissions!


I don't think anyone is gonna beat me at this point!


As I have promised, here I am!

Some pretty good songs coupled with an interesting story, I like it! I find the idea of each song being used in a different part of a space ship very interesting. For some reason I also like the thought of the game being a life simulator, although maybe that's because I haven't seen that many submissions that have done that yet lol. I also like that each track is so unique from the previous and follows a different genre almost, it makes for a very diverse listening experience!

Overall you did a great job with these songs! You've blended such a wide array of genres into your tracks while also having a pretty interesting story, nicely done!

That's all I have to say really, have a great day! :D


Thank you, and I was able to rate yours as well.


I love your use of the instruments, drums, bass & melody have me jamming in my seat on Meal Rush & Delivery.
I also love the fanfare style songs you have, really epic & adventurous! Great work.


Thanks, I definitely put a little extra into the mission area themes as they are what the player will hear for a large portion of the game.


1. Going in, I wasn't really sure what to expect out of the soundtrack, but the first piece paints an adventurous tone evoking the sense of some classic space movies.

2. I like the instrumentation. First time seeing a harmonica in one of these entries.

3. Loved this one. It feels a lot cleaner then the first two entries and is super head-bobbable. A like how the melody is passed around the band. I haven't seen a jazz piece in any of the entries yet either, so this was a great breath of fresh air. Well done!

4. I can see why the you selected 4 genres in the submission. This one is also well made and catchy.

5. reminded me of track 1.

6. Some nice call and response between piano and percussion. There's not much i have to say about it, but I can see  a track like this having its place in a real soundtrack.

7. A much darker take compared to the others. Its good on its own, but I really wish there was a last track that would end the whole thing off on a lighter note.

A very creative soundtrack the blends multiple genres; I enjoyed it a lot. The best of this submission came when you leaned into the catchy, fun aspect of your game. The standout track was without a doubt Meal Rush. Also, I didn't know you had descriptions for your game until half way through (you should copy paste them from your project homepage to the submission page, there's an "edit submission button" at the top of the page). 

Nicely done!


Sorry for the late reply, but thanks for letting me know your thoughts about my work! It's really helpful.


Great genre choices! Melodies need bit more work, and orchestra praying for automatisation=)
And overall volume balans. But overall interesting work. Keep on!


Great work with this! Orchestration throughout is well done. Arrangements are catchy and well thought out. Some nice live instrumentation with the guitar; good rhythms and played well. Some catchy melodies and lead embellishments.

As a couple of others have noted - this is nice and diverse. Different genres explored and the choice of instruments throughout was nice and varied.  Great job getting 7 of these done in the timespan, also. Can't have been an easy feat!

Great work all in all, had a fun time listening to this one and never really knew what to expect with each track. Best of luck. :)


This is a blast to listen to!

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