Love the idea and vibe! It was a bit rough at first and I died to almost every enemy before being able to deal with them, but the backstory and how everything looks is great!
I didn't get to the end yet but I think I've seen all the threats and gameplay elements unless there are surprises later on, so here are some thoughts:
- The first time dealing with the voyeur is a bit awkward, I was still looking around and reading notes when it appeared and killed me.
The guides you unlock are nice but having the first enemy needing you to not move and look at it makes for a pretty likely and confusing first death when it appears so early.
- Also with the voyeur, I died multiple times because it spawned right on top me. It wasn't instant but it's like the game didn't register me looking at it from being so close?
- I only played on the "intended" difficulty but the enemy appearances feel a bit too front-loaded. They all become active in pretty quick succession and in less than one in-game hour.
It might be more interesting if it was more progressive throughout the night?
- Control rebinds would be nice. I have an azerty keyboard, I can switch it to a qwerty mode but I have to switch back everytime I get the code writing mini-game as the letters are changed around overwise.
- The more or less mini-game could use a bit more clarification.
It's kinda difficult to see which numbers you have selected, the unselected numbers should have a darker colour and become brighter when you select them. Right now they get slightly darker when you click on them?
- The code writing mini-game doesn't feel worth bothering with compared to the other two.
I don't type too fast but even if you do, I think the other two mini-games would still be much faster to complete, making the typing one not worth doing.
- Unless I've missed something, you can't skip the game over cutscene, which makes restarting another attempt much more annoying since you have to alt f4.
Hello! Thanks for all of this awesome feedback! I'm so glad you liked it.
- Yeah, I'm getting some feedback about Voyeur, and I might rework it a bit. Since it was the first, the testers and I got used to it, so we missed-calibrated it.
- About the pacing, yeah, I'm fixing the enemy appear in the next patch. I'll try to make it so they appear more or less every hour :)
- The mini-games cover different aspects of gameplay, and yes, in intended difficulty you might be "picky" with the puzzles and still win, but in hard (Which is a Steam Achievement) you might not be able.
- And yeah, the skip button is awaiting the next patch.
Thank you so much for all this valuable feedback. I'll make sure that in a couple of days, everything will be fixed!
Just played through the update and all the changes seem good!
I managed to get to the end on my second attempt, first run died to the voyeur after I didn't spot it quickly enough.
It definitely feels better while still being stressful to do deal with.
Outside of that, some things that I came across/ thought about:
- Sometimes, the yellow highlight on interactable items stays and you can see it across the map. It disappears when you interact with it again.
Not sure about the cause, but both times it happened was when I stopped what I was doing and quickly left.
- After 3am, the angel completely disappeared and the cyclops only appeared once. Not sure if I was just lucky or if something wasn't working correctly?
- What do the upgrades do exactly? I got all of them through the run but it still felt pretty rng as to which area would need repair next.
I had an area with an upgrade active that I had to go to multiple times in a row while others were fine.
Could be interesting to have some environmental obstacles like that appear around later during the night.
I'm so glad you enjoyed and got to the ending!
About the stuff you point out:
- I've notice that once during all the playtest o-o I could not replicate it, so I don't really know. I'll check what you said.
- I think you were really lucky! There's a chance that every time a machine breaks one of the two (If able) will spawn. But there is a small chance of neither appearing! I think that's what happened.
- The upgrades reduce the amount of "punishment" for keeping a machine in a broken state. They reduce the rate at wich the clock advances towards the bad ending.
- And yeah, it's flavor text and lore. In Shaft-10 (The free game I launched with DtS) there are some more lore pieces and even some references to the eyes, for example. But yeah, mainly flavor text in there. In upcoming games within this lore might not be tho... :)