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Is it a long soundtrack? I LOVE LONG SOUNDTRACKS!!1!

Title Screen Is Good... I started getting high from the very first seconds. Mesmerizing ambient, with a sense of ocean depth, massive bass and synthesizers... Is the whole soundtrack going to be that cool?

Introduction Cutscene - Yep. The whole soundtrack is going to be cool....... "I feel the heaviness of the ocean floor of the alien ocean... it seems like there is darkness around me, small lantern plants and bizarre fish that are surprised by my visit ...... and somewhere in the distance something is swimming and making sounds similar to a mating call. It feels like I'm in a place where everything lives, but lives at the bottom of the ocean. Then the melody comes on, saying that everything that lives here is fine. And so, already in the second half of the track, I find myself on a ledge, and below me is a huge underwater forest plain where everything blooms, glows and lives! Flocks of fish, large, but so far harmless to me predators. By the very end, I feel a calming life and understand: This alien life is mysterious and.. Too alive"

The Reefs - "Reefs... the very beginning of a beautiful and unknown world opens up in front of me. Everything is melodious and shows me its friendliness."

The Ravine - "the beauty and scale of this world reveals its nature to me more and more. She lives. She exists and doesn't even pay attention to me. The underwater world... He is full of life. Should I be proud that I got in here? Maybe. But I will be proud of only one, the most important thought: I had the opportunity to look at these beauties…"

The Depths - "I'm sinking deeper and deeper... is it dangerous here? I don't like the sounds this world makes... Maybe not everything is so friendly here? What if they don't see me as an alien to be wary of, but... food? Okay, I'll try to go even deeper. I hope I have enough oxygen."

The Docks - "Where did I get to...? Was there a REASONABLE life before me? Bizarre technologies, pipes, ruins and remnants of a previously great civilization... If what was beauty and nature above is heaven, then I'm in hell. It seems there is still life, many harmless flocks of sea creatures that huddle in pipes and in pieces of rust broken off from the metal walls... But I'm afraid. It seems to me that there are not only predators here... There's something scarier here... Something…"

Introspective Quest "...Is Not. There's nothing but what I've seen. Truly, all the beauties that I have seen before, the bizarre worlds and ecosystems of the underwater world... It's nothing. It's nothing compared to HER. Excuse me... Stop... Why I don't need it... Can I breathe? What has IT done to me? AM I BREATHING? Here! Under the water! There is no gravity... There is no spacesuit... Or did he never exist?"

Epilogue " everything. Now I am trapped here forever, in the boundless ocean. SHE gave me the will, taking away my freedom. She gave a new shell, destroying the body. And am I... happy? There is no more old world where everything is filled with the living dead... no… Now my new eternity is wandering and exploring this ruined world. Occasionally, I return to the coral reefs and watch the shooting stars. I watch those people who also sometimes fall here. Or they land on their own. But will they be able to do the same as me: to know eternity? Would they agree to a deal with HER? I hope for better, but... I haven't seen any other soul yet.

Or are they there, but I don't see them?

That's right, there are a lot of people like me wandering around the eternal ocean. Billions of restless souls of the old world, trapped forever in the rusty gears of a dead city.

They didn't agree. They chose death and emptiness, fearing an impending flood. They chose what they thought was preferable. They chose death because they thought they knew the oceans well. It was thought that there were many unknowns in death. Craving for adventure… But they did not take into account one, the most important detail in their lives...

The ocean is boundless. Death is finite. I am eternal."

Wow, that was beautiful, thank you so much!
