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~ jon patch ~

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This is hilarious! I love how you can hack the levels easily with a text editor

Flying Slime simulator 2024

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Thank you so much! I did make it in a week! I am not working currently so I had the time to dedicate myself fully to this. And I saved so much time from Godot's character collisions and easy sprite animations! That stuff would have been pain in Unity. 

Although I did have to wrap my head around basic linear transformations, and implement object pooling because of problems with instantiation... I'm kinda surprised I fit it all in a week.

Also I have experience dabbling in Unity for years on and off, and I took a course once. Before that I used Game Maker for years. I just never had the perseverance to complete anything.

You can tell however that I dedicated too little time to level design, and I would have liked a more upbeat music track, leaving the current one for the menu (which I didn't have time for either). Also some weird bugs weren't fixed.

Thank you for playing! I hope there's no genuine concerns regarding the legitimacy of my entry... I played with minimalism to get something decent using few assets.

I agree about M and T being a weird choice of controls. In the end the best solution is to eventually add the option to map controls.

However I disagree about the artstyle! I think the cute character and the cute "good" monsters gives the game its personality. It has that "brave kid on an adventure" feel, like some of the Zelda classics (Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker), or maybe like Undertale.

Nice game! The artstyle is really beautiful and well-rounded. Very good work on that! The music was pretty nice, too! Maybe the boss music is a bit intense but very good work for the limited time.  The concept of reflecting the enemies is interesting! You can't jump off of the good creatures by the way.

The final boss was a bit too tight for how imprecise the collisions are,  The sound effects are funny and silly, but if you continue to develop this game I'd switch them for something more serious, since this game otherwise builds a strong and immersive athmosphere.

Overall, very beautiful.

Nice game! The artstyle is really beautiful and well-rounded. Very good work on that! The music was pretty nice, too! Maybe the boss music is a bit intense but very good work for the limited time.  The concept of reflecting the enemies is interesting! You can't jump off of the good creatures by the way.

The final boss was a bit too tight for how imprecise the collisions are,  The sound effects are funny and silly, but if you continue to develop this game I'd switch them for something more serious, since this game otherwise builds a strong and immersive athmosphere.

Overall, very beautiful.

This is gorgeous! You definitely should keep working on this and make it into a full experience! Of course, the game right now is all artstyle and no gameplay, it's sad that you ran short of time... But I do value all the effort that went into it. I think you have the starting point for a very artistic platformer that could focus on environmental storytelling. Very good job! Easily one of my favourite entries.

by the way, bug report: I managed to fall down during the "beforefore times" through the intact floor.

This is gorgeous! You definitely should keep working on this and make it into a full experience! Of course, the game right now is all artstyle and no gameplay, it's sad that you ran short of time... But I do value all the effort that went into it. I think you have the starting point for a very artistic platformer that could focus on environmental storytelling. Very good job! Easily one of my favourite entries.

by the way, bug report: I managed to fall down during the "beforefore times" through the intact floor.

I had some fun with this one! A bit buggy, but perfectly playable.

You should indicate in the description that you didn't make the music.

This is cute, the music is quite nice! But yeah it needs a bit of feedback and a fail condition. Still a neat start!

I like the idea of the game, the animation with our purple friend showing up is very cool! The game was very buggy and I couldn't get to the end.  The character movement tended to bug out and in one occasion I got stuck to a wall.

The concept of the game is fun. I agree with other comments that there should be a gentler introduction with very easy levels.

The graphics are way too much! It doesn't make much sense that a minimalist cube game would melt my computer down. I was getting insane input lag, single-digit framerates, and the motion blur turned everything into a puke fest. It might run well on my desktop computer, this laptop is a bit older, but I have a dedicated GPU and yet it ran like I was trying to run Destiny on Ultra. Is this just default Unreal graphics profile or did you crank it up?

Honestly I didn't understand how the game works... I was just bouncing through the air and couldn't get to the goal

Aside from that you could trim out a few of the easier levels

This game is too easy! With that said, I like the concept, with some more mechanics and more ingenious puzzles it could be way better. I think the minimal artstyle works! With a bit more polish you could go with this kind of artstyle for a full game. maybe make the moss a bit more moss-y, maybe just with a bunch of green squares to keep with the artstyle. (yes I'm actively disagreeing with Catsanio's take :P)

Darn, 3 minutes before the deadline? That's tight lmao

Thank you so much for the insight! That makes a lot of sense. This is definitely one for the top rankings! Amazing work

The physics aren't very satisfying, but the gravity gimmick is fun - the concept of the game has potential. Good choice of assets, the athmosphere is very endearing

Nice game concept! The minimal graphical style works well. I'd say the level design needs some work, but overall really cool for having limited time!

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Maaaan... What a ride. How do you even program a conept like this? This was great. I especially loved the athmosphere, those backgrounds and the music really put you in a special place... Very beautiful. Very very good music and backdrops, seriously! I have to comment on the proggy notes of the spring song with the organ and the flute. An insane entry. Seriously interested in knowing the gist of how the "reflective collision engine" works... I saw that you used Godot, which I've been using myself.

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By the way, I forgot to specify that all assets in the game have been self-made with love and care by myself :)

Very nice feedback, thank you so much for playing! I was worried about the background contrast but I guess I didn't do enough about it.  If I had a bit more time I'd looked into scaling the game instead of just widening the "field of view". I imagine on anything beyond 1080p it might be a game for ants, lol. Thanks so much for the constructive input!

Aww this is such a cute idea... Really brings you back to childhood. Maybe it's my underslept, overworked brain but I suck at it. I'd say an extra hitpoint or two, or a healing item, would be appreciated.  The audio is simple, but it's easy to listen and it wraps it up nicely. Very good job!

Thank you so much!

Lovely Wise vibes! Really has that cheerful late 90's VGM energy to it.

Wow, that was beautiful, thank you so much!

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This was fun to listen to! There are a couple things here and there with the mixing and composition that aren't 100% there for me. However, the thematic is really fun! There is very endearing creativity on display, and you really captured the Ace Attorney vibe we all love and cherish. 

I'd say quite solid stuff, you should keep at it! The mixing and production stuff is just matter of practice, being creative and having good ideas is a lot more valuable, especially in a world with so many tasteless professional productions out there. That's just my take, of course.

Thank you so much, it means a lot! These were somewhat swift creations, it's the fine details and adjustments that take up more time. Actually, with generative stuff you let the composition in itself do part of the creative work - the real time investment is in the hours upon hours of accumulated practice with the instruments and techniques.

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I like the nature of these, they feel like jam sessions (idk if they are or not). A few of them actually felt like if Noita was a full-on sci-fi game - that game's sountrack is full psychecelic rock jam session. I really like these.

I'll be very honest, I do believe this submission is too long-winded for a game jam. There are lots of submissions to listen to, and also people will skip around if they see 14-minute long tracks. With regular game-dev jams it's always reccomended that your game should be beatable in half an hour or less, and I think this also applies here.

With that out of the way... I think your soundtrack will stay with me. The combination of more electronic dance elements with rock stuff, the jammy feel, the long musical voyages... This is beautiful stuff. The production is mostly quite tight, and the psychedelic / prog vibes send you flying away. If this was put in a game, I would gladly download a couple gigabytes of game just to have the soundtrack in lossless quality, uncut. You could have very long stages with these pieces.

Yeah, this pulls at all the right strings for me. And of course, the entry description binds it all together into a beautiful musical story. Very good job.

Honestly, I like that darker sound, puts it on the realm of ambient music, very soft for the ears. Still very cool of you giving concrete production advice, for anyone reading. 

I'll add that, if you want to sort the high end, you can also go the substractive route and carefully cut high end from most/all instruments rather than boosting some - if you are trying to achieve a soft soothing sound like in ambient music, or if you want very subtle activity in the highs with hi hats and stuff. In that type of mix you might want to use peak/bell EQ for any highs boosting rather than shelves.

Of course, if you cut highs everywhere, you have to be very careful about low-cutting and mid-range EQ, otherwise you can get some serious mud and the whole thing can blow up speakers. Also be careful to not cut too much - you can play with filter slopes to let out the tiniest bit of high end to preserve some presence.

My 5 cents on mixing highs. Please feel free to OWN me in a reply if anything I said is not good, or to complement with more info. I want to improve as producer.

Beautiful... The first track is so magical, it gives me some Pokemon Mystery Dungeon vibes maybe. I'd say as a gripe that maybe something with the faster piano parts didn't 100% hit it for me. Maybe I'd like a small bit more sustain at parts?  But this is hair splitting, trying to be critical - this soundtrack flows nicely and can be heard on repeat. Excellent work.

impeccable production. This is very very good! Don't know what to say - it's just great. It's creative, very well composed, and the sound design and production is impeccable. I'm putting it in a bunch of my personal Soundcloud lists.

Thank you so much for listening! I'm just sayin'... CC-BY. Like if you even wanted to put my music to fascist propaganda, I could say nothing as long as you give credit. (please don't do that though lol)

It's flattering that you took the time to soak in the ambiance of my tracks, being as they are long, slow, and numerous. This IS a good genre to put on the background while doing stuff... or while doing nothing at all 🧘

If you do put together something with my music, I'd be very glad to hear it! Also I might be able to provide some stems. In any of those cases you can contact me on Soundcloud. Email is good but I'm not going to put my address on a public thread. (it should be available on my SC or Bandcamp somewhere though)

In any case, thanks for your time!

Darn... That was awesome! I can't believe you whipped this up in a day... Very beautiful ambient business. That third track was so good! And it scratches the prog rock itch quite a bit. Overall, awesome melodies, really nicely done!

Woww, this was very good! The first track has very evocative melodic work. Good way to sell the vibe of the game before jumping in.

The second one... Wowwwww! That surreal vaporwave-y ambiance is so unique. It's super dreamy, soothing but melancholic, unsettling, and perfectly trippy. Then it seamlessly dips into droning darkness, and the drums put you inna hurry! Some high-level creativity for sure. Very good stuff.

Thank you so much! It is a bit out of tune... Part of the charm of analog instruments, I guess. You tune stuff together by ear. Also probably a pinch of very slow vibrato in there. It did come out as my favourite of the bunch.

Thanks for listening and taking the time to leave a comment! I did have the thought that for a contest you might want a little bit more staying power. I did actually compose a few melodies instead of going full generative melody salad (the first track is a good exception - full salad and improvised keyboarding). But as a minimalist I didn't want to overdo it. There is actually a leitmotif on three of the tracks!

For this first entry on the jam I just bet all in on my own generative, improvisative process, and my riff-based ambient style. If you check some random track on my SC chances are it's similar. But it's valid criticism, especially after listening to some of the insane compositions and arrangements on the contest. The closest I got is the final track, you can't run a generative patch on a guitar... But you can noodle on it! And so I did. And add effects and automate those, too.

And yes! right out the Hajike dojo in Edo, I'm ready for some sparking protagonist action! That show is very special to me. 

It's also a pun of sorts with the whole modular patching thing, and my name is John but in catalan. Also like, I'm John Patch. like when you say John Twitch, or John America, to personify something as a whole. I'm Patch himself. silly stuff.

Extra bonus points because my fat orange cat is called Garfield.

Good work! I really like how it starts more positive, and then sadness and tragedy seep in with each track. You did a good job with the musical storytelling! I really enjoyed it, I would play this game and be very sad... 

Eh, it's all in the practice with these things. These tracks sound quite fine, I've definitely heard way worse.

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This is an outstanding set of compositions. The production and mixing is very good, with some bold dynamics really bringing it to life. I disagree with the other comment about the sustain pedal on the piano - I think your work with quietness in the first piece is what really makes it stand out. Those shorter piano notes convey an emptiness that fills the soul.

And What Lies Beyond in particular... It hits hard. I might agree that the tubular bell is a bit too strong.  That said, oh jeez. That contrast between the mystical part and the intense one. That  call and response between the motif and the swelling strings and choirs. That choice of scale in the second melody.

The third track is also very good quality, but the composition didn't hit that strong for me. In my critique I take into account that a peaceful track doesn't hit as hard as the dramatic ones, of course. My issue is maybe the opposite, that it's maybe a bit too energic, and it steps into the cheese zone too much for me. With that out of the way, I will concede that the track is very well composed and produced, and it fits the intended scenario for the intended genre of game perfectly. Maybe as the happy epilogue reuse it works better for me - that cheesy happiness would probably soak up the bitterness stuck in the throat after a particularly intense ending.

What really makes this submission so great is that not only is the production and instrumentation good, or the athmospheres fitting for the themes; This one really goes above and beyond, the emotion in these is insanely powerful! Maybe not so much on the third track, which is of course normal since that one is the peaceful of the bunch. But not many submissions can attain this level of expression, even less so in complex arrangements that are challenging enough by themselves, and with this level of quality.

I wholeheartedly believe this sumbission has to make the top 20. Sorry for the wall of text, I really wanted to fully articulate why I gave this a perfect rating. This is so much quality, and the first two tracks' composition really struck my chords. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to make this.

Gorgeous use of reverb. The synth sounds are absolutely beautiful!