This is a really impressive entry with a lot of compositionally rich tracks. People are right about velocity, though you can think about that compositionally in terms of dynamics. Everything sounds forte and is fatiguing for the listener, which is unfortunate because the compositions are quite beautiful. The intricate harpsichord and violin flourishes on The Royal House of Gralland were especially excellent. Another thing I would suggest for the future is adding interest by depending less on repeating ostinatos as the backbone of the song. People have mentioned mixing though haven't given too many specifics. Here's one: the low end is too high on some tracks. In Lily's Coffee Shop, for instance, which is a delightful respite from the heavy epic fantasy sounds (Last Stand in a Hopeless Battle was SO epic!), the bass is dominating most sounds. I've given a lot of feedback because I really admire the artistry and sweat here and hope to hear more, even better work in the future. Thanks for making and sharing!