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(2 edits)


made it past the run killer

obviously you didn’t finish, but let’s talk about what’s here:

the theme is pretty much missing, firesale, campfire, kind of out of context is quiiiiite the stretch

the vvvvv stuff is pretty solid and well done… gravity feels fast but not unfairly so.

the sprites are AWESOME - seriously just look at them, the tileset matches it well. the color palette is excellent

some hitboxes (specially spikes on the side) seem unfair, I’d suggest making hitboxes slightly SMALLER than the visuals when that would favor the player

overall you have a pretty solid foundation of a game here, don’t be discouraged for not figuring out that trigger, I’m sure you learned a lot and hope you are not too hard on yourself : ).

Yeah I dropped the ball on the theming. I tunnelvisioned on the blanket idea of the enemies being fire themed and unused mechanics based around heating that I forgot to actually make the world feel like its warm. Idk why I thought to give the tiles a cool blue color and not like a rusted warmer color.

But thank you so much for playing my game! I learned a lot making this project since this was my first godot project!