I made an account just to complain that Flappy Guy lv3 (wet dry vault) is the most unplayable thing ever made. Just an absolutely insane amount of obstacles, not helped by the poor control gimmick and speed... and then you add a big boo that completely blocks off areas leading to MANY! MANY! unavoidable scenarios where damage boosting and RNG is the only way to win...
Also theres a glitch where you can get stuck on the corners of walls when rubbing against them while falling. Not exactly what you need to experience when the hitboxes of obstacles and the speed of the screen are very unforgiving.
9 hours straight, 3am... impossible level. I have to stop for my own health.
You cant convince me the level was play tested. my arms are numb.
I cant count how many times i bounced on a scuttlebug and slammed into a muncher, the scrolling screen wall, or a boo (because someone had the insane idea to have it in the center of the boos) The worst thing that happened to me was i made it to the rain but the water rose trapping me in the narrow corridor with 3 boo buddy rings and big boo directly in the path. I had no choice but to run right into it all. 3500-3600. The tileset was too long to become the big open space at the end in tim