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v.0.8: Look mod, no clones!

Crystal Level 4 with Death Prevention and possible events, Mod Integration, Bug Fixes, General Tweaks

General Changes
Added a Aric's Expansion version print into the error tracker to verify version numbers on bug reports
Added a tooltip in the Group Choice menu explaining why a slave may not be available for travel (for both Expansion and Vanilla reasons)

Dimensional Crystal
The Dimensional Crystal may be upgraded to Level 4. This provides an option to prevent the deaths of anyone inside of the mansion. Surely there can be no reprecussions for this secret to immortality, right?
Two new Crystal modes (Light, Dark)
Three total Crystal Abilities (Pregnancy Speed, Immortality, Secret)
New Crystal Conversation with option to Research the Crystal

The Crystal's Research level will provide a chance to unlock a new ability (if the Crystal is strong enough to allow it, via the normal "Upgrade"). If a slave's Magical Affinity is equal or higher than the Crystal's Power Level (again, the upgraded level), then the daily research level is equal to the slave's Wit. Otherwise, it is a random % of the slave's wit. A slave must at least have a MAF of 1 to Research.
Multiple slaves may research the Crystal, but only the highest number will apply. Each slave will have a chance to increase the difficulty of researching the Crystal for the day.

If the Crystal has darkened, I suggest choosing your crystal adjuster carefully. Magically stronger is better. Immortality may not be as free as you would think.

Character Creation
Added new Starting Slave specializations:
Perfect Specimen

Sex Expanded
Changed Sexuality Shifts from 50% of Shift Value to 20% to lessen impact
Altered the formula so Futa may now be treated as "bi" (Default), "male", or "female" for the Kinsey Scale Sexuality Shifts. Changable through settings option "futasexualityshift"
Added Tied check to prevent Incest Consent from being blocked
Fixed the Incest Forced bugs

Integrated MinorTweaks by Dabros
Integrated parts of MinorTweaks by Dabros with their permission (Thanks again!)
Original Mod is below, please like/support the creator:


The Nickname feature is integrated behind a Setting ( > Settings > minortweaknicknames). You can enable or disable the feature there to choose Vanilla Nickname formats or the Tweaked Nickname Formats (Showing Nickname + Name)

Page Up/Page Down to Navigate the SlaveList in the Mansion

Better Slavegear Sorting

Fixed the Execution Scene on buying with Gold/Rep. Works correctly now (per multiple tested saves)
Fixed the Duplication Bug with a Duplicated array and Breaking after found
Added secondary Null Person check to BuildSlave to fix the Null error for some Combats
Removed the currently unused Items file to try to prevent the item error-code bug
Simplified the "Tracking" feature that may be resulting in duplicated NPCs
Set Quirk text to run Dictionary first to keep lisps and replacers from blocking dictionary code
Fixed ATypical grade displays
Fix Grammer issue on Fetish Discussion
Excluded animals from consent checks and end of encounter checks
Added more Surname null checks to the Family Matters formula
Discovered that FutaBalls wasn't triggering because of an Or check instead of And check for null balls
Discovered the "End of Combat" failure was due to Items not equipping/unequipping right from the permanent NPCs. Created a series of checks/fixes to try and catch and counter that.
Fixed DailyMilking issue (string instead of Boolean)
Disabled Taker Incest Consent for now as it was blocking the Subdue action as well. Corrected the Taker Consent options.
Items unequip errors should be mostly gone. There may be the occasional bug in the report, but it should no longer cause the gamebreaking issues from its failure if it happens.
Runaway Slaves should now drop all gear when recaptured.
Fixed WantedPregnancy check
Stopped Pregnant convo from repeating
Fixed Incest Breeder convo not applying correct consent
Fixed Secrets not triggering for Preg/Lactation correctly
Fixed Milk Regen not displaying or triggering correctly for the new lactation system (traits were overriding it)
Lowered Execution slave price to 100gp each