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(2 edits)

Hey. Long time no see. I took a break from playing this and recently downloaded the latest update. I have some feedback if you're willing to read through all this.

If you could answer my questions in parts 2, 3, and 4 that would be so helpful.

1) Looking at the new images in the update, they look great. Especially  the glasses girl's growth sequence. Was that Susan the little sister getting revenge on her older brother Albert for stealing credit for her research? And then she's a boss you battle? I think this is only the 3rd major boss in the game so far? Awesome.

Also Gina's stage 5 transformation images are actually so much better than her old transformation stage images as you can really see the blow up in mass so clearly and the tightening clothing. Huge improvement there.

2) I still feel that the scale of some of your images is a little off. I know you can only do so much with AI art but in some panels, Stella looks way smaller than Jade (like when Stella is  carrying Jade" and in other panels Jade looks way smaller than Stella like at the Breakfast table. 

The canon size order at the moment is supposed to be Stella = lvl 5 Gina -->Akari --> Post Lab Jade--> Aline at the moment right? In the future, if you could put some images where they're all more or less next to each other it could help with the perspective.

3) I know this may not be popular among your general audience but there are some bisexual fans of your work out there who also enjoy seeing Male Muscle growth sequences in addition to the FMG in games. While FMG remains the primary fetish, I think the occasional male TF would be nice in terms of some of your boss fights maybe, or one of the main male characters (possibly an antagonist)  undergoing some muscle growth sequence.  

Maybe in a future update you could include a Boss fight with a serum powered Albert (Susan's brother I believe?) who undergoes his own muscle growth sequence? That would be awesome. Or a Male Boss who takes muscle growth serum and gets his own sequence at a later stage in the story.

4) Also, one last thing, I am constant replying the game with each update and my old save files throw an error each time. I tried skipping ahead but I left off at the end of Xici's lab the last time I played and it's taking a while to get back there. It would be great if you could introduce a feature for us to skip through more arcs, as I have to replay a lot of the game I already played wth every update. Right now I can only skip to "rivals." If there is a future feature to modularly view a certain arc  via a drop down list  just so I can quickly review the new content, that would be awesome.

Hey, saw your comment on the Patreon-Version first. Answered there, since that post contains spoilers to the current content.