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A member registered Jun 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Eh? This should not be. Every day has 2 active phases and most actions take up one phase. If an action that requires time is performed on the evening, the game will jump to night automatically. If nothing happens at night or morning, you should still get one line at the hotel, telling you that there is nothing to do and bring you back to the gym.

Have you been to the dojo since then? I think the last scene of that quest plays automatically on the next dojo visit. If it doesn't I'll have to look into it

Thanks for the kind words :D
Next update will be out pretty soon!

Depends on which version the save game was created. Anything before update 6 had an out-dated data structure that got entirely reworked, so in that case it is unfixable. Only thing you can do is use one of the quick start points, one of them taking you to the start of act3.

Hehe... I dropped a few hints here and there to keep my options open for more draining in the future 😁 

Thanks, hope we can resolve this. Not very proficient with the differences for Android and PC, but let me see what I can do 😖

Many thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed our game so far.

And thanks for the feedback too. Maybe we add a difficulty slider in the future for more customizability, since both a "very easy" as well as a "hard mode" was asked so far 😅

The quest structure is rather complex admittingly, though that is part of doing an open world. However, the amazing Nyx already wrote a script for a quest guide which will be implemented in the next update. It now shows a step-by-step process in the guide tab, which checks already completed steps.

You're the second one saying it, so you're not entirely alone 😅Greg is still the strongest character on the hero's side and Enzi the most skilled, so currently it is the girls that need to catch up 😉

Which character would you like to see getting stronger?

Hi, thanks the kinds words. We are happy to provide :D

Lvl 6 will be part of a small update which feature the trial and Gina's next growth. It will be released between updates 6 and 7 (probably this month).

Pretty much all interactions with Rose happen either at the gym or at the park. If she got her shake and reached the strength needed, her big scene starts at the park. She has a bit of dialogue after, but that ends her current content.

Yeah, we can keep contact. I'll be very busy the next days with coordinating putting together the current scenes for the trial, but I wouldn't mind trying this translation script after that. You can drop me a mail or Discord, or you join Gina's Discord for easier communication with the other team members 😉

Thanks for the kind words.
Translation into other languages is a bit of an issue. There are automated tool to create a base version, but I would need a native speaker to go over the text at least once, since we use a ton of wordplay in English that a translator software will have a rough time getting right.

You're not wrong there with an additional stage, but current focus is mostly on pushing forward the story and only rework old material where it is needed and within the scope of our timeframe. I currently have two of my cute lil helpers rework some old images, but most of the effort goes into creating new content for act3.

Think I will reword some time paragraphs. You're right there, feeling behind in progress is not appealing.

More stages without visual growth might upset other players though 😅 Can you imagine people's reaction when I said in the early stages of development that I only envisioned a visual growth every second level? Oh boy...
But we kind of want to rework the training function to show some numbers on the lifts, so there would be noticeable improvement even inside of the same level as the weights on the lifts would rise.

Many thanks for the kinds words. I'm glad you enjoyed out little game. And I don't mind long ass rants; shows people actually care a lot. So I'll say thanks for the input and I HOPE to get another one😁

Let me see. Some simple things first:

- Music volume is already lowered as a default, but I can lower it more (no specific LUFS in Renpy available though 😅)

- Thank for bringing the high-striker thing with Jade to my attention. I thought I made the event inaccessible if Jade left with Xici already, but apparently I have to check it again.

For some content stuff:

- Lvl 2 was supposed to be the "just slightly bit stronger than a normal guy"-Level 😅We gotta progress, if Lvl 6 means breaking the human limit.

- Shakes are OP 😅Chars without them can only progress to Lvl1 in the span of the game, but I could make this clearer by tweaking some numbers. Same goes for the requirements. It was mostly balanced around the fact that most quest-goals and side activities can be completed while training on the side, but ofc Lvl.4 with double goals broke that (since we wanted Gina to only surpass Stella after the lab assault).

- The feel of pacing is vastly different from the effectiveness of the playthrough ofc. Some min-maxers reached Lvl4 before the executioner appears, so stuff like weeks or months is more a "middle"-ground thing. The general time-frame is more or less set in the skip functions, so reaching Lvl.5 took Gina canonically 4 months (ofc. then she gets some new bonuses to speed things up 😁)

Oh, just to be clear, I value your input A LOT. Me explaining is not meant as a defence or to debase valid critique. I just like discussing things and give insight in our process.

Hi. It's a possible starting point on "New Game"
The arc is still ongoing, but will get updated between each major update

Should be working as indented. Transfer potion is part of the potion set after all. The quest accepts both the full potion set or just the remaining potion to make it less hard to initialize.

Thanks :D
Yeah, Aline is a bit hidden admittingly. Her growth scene happens in the park, just like Rose's.
Think we will place quest markers on growth scenes next update like we did with the raids and exploration.

No concern. Japanese guys are not the ones in question.

Once you talked to Mike a new option gets available at the streets. Next to the bosses there is a button that lets you start a raid on Genovanno territory. The bros are there to find and marked with a quest symbol

Ah, ok, but pure coincidence. Though I placed Burlingfort somewhere on the East Coast.

Hey, you need to have fought the quest-mob at the alley (Giantarm-Bro), after that you need to speak to Cath and Akari. The last step at the bureau if only available if you also have 3/4 quest progress on finding Jade, as it will head straight to the finale of the act.

Nah, never heard the name 😅
I was like: What's a good city name for the "mecca of bodybuilders"? And strongmen are burly, soo....

I'm not releasing a buggy game 😤
The music thingy gets fixed over weekend and then it gets public

Think there is no way to get the strength potion back. If the Stella arc started that scene is skipped by then.

Really? You get the transfer potion on a completly fresh save?

Normally when you drink the strength potion, the transfer potion should remain (which is enough to trigger Stella's scene). Didn't have any issues before and the code is really old 😅
Did I understand the issue correctly? You're stuck with not being able to complete Stella's growth?

Probably a few days. We started a huge process with music implementation and we'll finish it before releasing the public version

Hey, there is a video guide on the Discord server explaining them in detail, but as an abstract:
- Cancel their special moves as often as possible or work around them. The boss will skip his turn if he gets his block broken. This will also cancel their special move if you break them in the turn they would use their move.
- Dragon of Burlingfort can be partly countered with block, Ginspey Roll and pocket sand
- If you deal 0 damage from the spin, you can still use abilities like phone summons or block-break the Dragon Breath 
- Clear Stella's flank quickly, so she can start dealing those massive assassin hits. A double whip into a block broken enemy can take away more than half their HP in one turn

Hey, really enjoyed playing your game and thanks for providing a free version to try it out. I was impressed by the amount and quality of your artworks, especially creating a sense of depth with the blur on parts of the background.

Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to your next update (that cutie needs to get a little big bigger 😁)

I know they're great... but also a lot of effort to make 😥

But you get one small growth scene wit Jade arm-wrestling against Brutus!! (If you tell Jade to double dose)

Public release will be in the midst of January. Precise day depends on my schedule which isn't clear currently.

Yeah, sorry for the cliff hanger with the trial. I couldn't resist 😅

Next update 6.1. will be a smaller one, focusing on the trial and Gina growth to Lvl6. Also second army will only come with the next big update 7 as well as more progress for the Velvet Vanguard. Each big update is supposed to cover one recruitment arc for those armies. I'll make a patreon post about the coming roadmap soon.

Hey, really enjoyed your first version. You managed to infuse a ton of personality in your girls in a very short amount of time and the images reflect that beautifully. Gameplay loop is simple, but works out nicely for the duration of the game.
Keep up the good work and I'm curious to see what this game will grow into :D

Thanks for telling me. Think I know a way to fix this and will try to implement it hopefully in the next version

Hopefully by the end of the year. Playtesting will be starting in a week, so I just hope for few bugs to fix

Sorry, probably won't happen. Light side for life 😅
As interesting as the prospect of an evil Gina would be, I find it both hard to write (as Gina has been described as a big muffin, even on dominant route she always chose right over wrong) and a huge effort. My current plan is to rather reduce romance routes (hence why a few of the guys got cut) and deliver updates faster.

Thanks for the kind words.
All romance is optional up to this point (maybe Phil may be needed for the full harem ending much later 😅), but we're only really getting started on romance in the next updates.

Hi, I have some video guides on combat basics on my Discord under the "guides" section.

Generally, a good approach is to switch the assassin to Stella's spot with "Tug of War" and focus him down before the first Heal. Cancel the Assbringer's special skills with block-breaks often and stack damage skills. A double whip into a broken enemy can deal devastating damage. Good luck on pummelling the guy.

Thanks for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed it.

As for romance, I was open to all kinds of relationships, yet I also felt overwhelmed with the sheer amount of possible paths as the cast continued to grow. A vote on Patreon gave me a good overview on which romance path were most wished for (mostly the girls 😅 Stella and Jade ranked pretty high, as did Philipp being the top guy by far).

So far we have the girls (yes, all 4...) as well as Phil 100% confirmed. But then there is also Mike x Stella, Enzi x Jade and maybe Gina x Jonathan... 

Hi, thanks for the kind words. And no, the issue is probably not on your end 😅
Apart from the two song (intro and start of act 3), we currently have no music in the game. I found a helper who is currently on the task, but as of now, there is only silence.

Hi, thank for the detailed feedback. Really appreciate it :D

Susan has a pattern indeed. She switches to the next target in line for every hit she gets, circling through all possible targets from left to right. While I agree by now, that a "survive for x-turns" may make  more sense, I'll see if its worth the effort changing the code (I mostly prioritize making new content instead of reworking old). And well, can't get into detail about her story too much, but she will have an important role to play yet.

Let me see, what else:

- Recruitable factions are partly known and partly not. Some old faces will get another appearance, but as the next update focuses on the Velvet Touch recruitment, we have time to spread some more breadcrumbs for the next ones then.

- Big or smoll Xici isn't decided yet. Maybe big, but if so, she'll be the last to grow.

- Mental breakdown for Gina? I'd say she is one of the more stable girls, despite having two imaginary companions. As for her personality, most "first dates" which will be available in the next update (yes, we're slowly getting into the dating game, now that the immediate danger is over) will be a bit different on gentle or dominant. Big changes or endings are planned later on, but for now it's only relevant on the wording of Gina and the dates,

And we are fighting to get the next update out till the end of the year, so let's hope for the best.