Ahh yes, my favorite tag; Toby Fox.
I can see where the inspirations lie so it does make sense. though you do a lot more and add your own flair into them like adding a string section to the Snowdin-like theme "A town of your dreams" and the connecting them together for the next track "Shadow", it's pretty charming.
"Outta my Way" is so similar to that one theme in deltarune chapter 2 and I like the key changes in there. There's also a good influence of Touhou, especially in parts of the melody structure.
Now for "This is My World", I like the fact you mixed two of the most well known instruments together; the megalovania guitar and the touhou trumpet, it's also very well made so I liked it alot.
Now to be a little picky, the amount of bells and shakers used in your soundtrack makes it look like it's winter, maybe that's because of the amount of winter songs that uses these instruments specifically. the cover art is amazing but it doesn't fit imo, regardless, amazing track.