yo! this is actually super cool. i love the fantastical and adventurous vibes of this ost. your melody writing is great, and you capture the water aesthetic in a unique way compared to some other entries i’ve listened to (i definitely like your way better than some others haha). my favorite track was nirvana inn, i love the jazzy-ness!! although deep dive was great too. overall great stuff beepo!!
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this is really beautiful and emotional. the fact that you dedicated this piece to your granny really speaks to me. often times i take things for granted, but as often as i can, i try to put things into perspective and appreciate what i have now. this is a beautiful dive into your river of memories. thanks for sharing this with us, and thank you for reminding me to cherish those around me <3
aaaaa kev i’ve finally made it around to your ost! this theme is just absolutely beautiful. your arrangement and melody writing is incredibly elegant. im getting major joe hisaishi vibes! reading your miro board, i love all of the thought you put into your song. the analysis of the photo you did is really cool! good stuff kev!!
yo pix and frozzy! rated your ost the first day but just realized i never commented 😭.
this ost is p e a k. easily my favorite entry of entire ost jam by far. the music is funky, quirky, fun, and the style is exactly the type of music i’m into. from the instrumentation, sfx, and voice lines (i fricken love the voice lines), this ost is just bursting with character. my favorite track is clutch hitter, the lead goes crazy.
generally, i don’t listen to the music of jam submissions after i rate them, but your ost is literally in my music rotation rn 🔥 did an 8 mile run the other day to your ost, it goes so hard.
your game idea is just so cool too, and i saw below you’re actually turning into an actual game 💪 let me know where i can follow BOSSBEAT’s development, i will be on the lookout o7
yall are insane, but it’s awesome. you deserve one of those top spots imo
yo! this ost has toby fox inspiration written all over it! and from a toby fanboy myself i can appreciate it LMAO. i can definitely hear inspiration from ut/dr songs like fallen down, a town called hometown, enemy approaching, unnecessary tension, stronger monsters, etc (sorry let me nerd out for a sec LOL) anyways, super fun ost! cool melodies and instrumentation. my only critique is that i wished some songs were more fleshed out! you created an immense number of songs for the time you had, but i wished that some ideas could’ve been given a bit more time. not gonna beat a dead horse tho, i see some ppl have already mentioned this. you got some cool ideas here! good stuff!!
hey! this has to be one of the most unique and cool interpretations of the theme: interpreting the theme in both your melodies and your game’s story. very dark and ominous tracks. i can strongly imagine this in a game. add some creepy, creaky old door sfx and night ambience. that would be pretty unnerving. great stuff!!
yo! this is some really well done snessy, jrpg music. definitely one of the snes osts i’ve liked more out of the ones i’ve listened to thus far!! i enjoyed the variance between tracks, while still sounding cohesive. i especially enjoyed wild doubts! it gave me some final fantasy vibes. good stuff good stuff!!
yo! very cinematic and epic, dude! i thought that your ost really evokes this "on a ship at sea" feeling. especially with your use of rain and thunder sfx in certain tracks. i also thought that the muddled effect you use (sounds like eqing) in tracks like resurface sound nice too. my only complaint is that the lead feels a bit monotonous at times, since the main lead is virtually a violin in every track. i think that the tracks would benefit from some change in that respect. it would make things more interesting, and give the track some more movement. i also think that a use of a countermelody in certain songs like river styx would do quite nice. but i still must say that you have pretty nice composition skills. good stuff all around!!
yo! this ost deserves more love, man! my favorites were the landsccape 2-1 and BOSS. the pianos and basslines go wild!! BOSS is especially fun to listen to mah gawddd. i love the bitcrushing too. my only critique is the mixing, as twitchy mentioned below. the frequency spectrum could be more balanced. but holy shit, good stuff !!
ah man. i mean just great stuff. i don’t play horror games too often, but i am definitely getting major resident evil vibes from this ost. the synths and pianos in these tracks just reek with a feeling of lost, loneliness, and eeriness. AND. NOBODY CAN HEAR YOU PRAY. the clock ticking, the synths, that percussion that sounds like a heartbeat. it just makes you so anxious. well fucking done. i would love to play a game with this ost
yo! cool tracks charmie! to me, a moments rest feels very whimsical and fantastical, but in inside my head i’m definitely getting some omori-celeste vibes!! the only feedback i have is that sometimes it feels like the tracks get a bit monotonous. i think they would benefit from some variation in the chords or arrangement. it kinda feels like youre just layering things on, with the occasional melody change. but that doesn’t detract from the fact that this is a short, cute, and sweet ost. good stuff overall!
yo! i’m a sucker for chiptune, so i enjoyed this ost! the chiptune is very game boy-esque, and then there’s some introduction of more real sounding, acoustic instruments. i read you project description after listening and saw that that was intentional! super cool! honestly pretty impressive for someone still getting familiar with daws. my favorite tracks were the princess and a new light