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First of all the game looks fantastic especially the logo/title screen. It has a heavy Pokemon influence in the style and looks great.

I enjoyed wandering around and interacting with stuff there's a lot of character and flavour to be found.

The combat seemed pretty hectic and confusing, even with the tutorial. When I summoned most slimes they didn't really seem to do much and recalling/reshuffling didn't seem to work so I just ended up with a bunch of slimes doing no damage and enemies not dying. I tried making opposite colour slimes to see if that worked but it doesn't seem to matter what I did in room 2 I just got overwhelmed and sniped by enemies despite my best effort.

Overall a really solid foundation that I'm keen to explore more. I'm not sure if the difficulty on my part was just lack of understanding or skill or a balancing / mechanic issue but I'd love to try it again in the future.

Thanks for the feedback. We will try a more gradual tutorial and try expand on the foundation of the game. Keep your eye out for an update.