Some things might not be to your taste, and that's fine! But comments like this are hurtful to real people working very hard to make these games, all for free from out of sheer passion.
Please consider reframing your comments in a kinder way in future, or expressing something in a constructive manner rather than just saying it's 'bad'.
As one of the said 'voice actors', I'm just a humble silly editor with a mic who just happened to be the duck, but the rest of the cast are dedicated talent who are in tons of things, are always honing their craft, and I think deserve some consideration in this matter ❤️
If there is something about story that isn't to your personal tastes, that's also cool! But again, such comments aren't particularly helpful or encouraging. I know many of us are open to constructive feedback when framed properly, but 'not too bad' is something we can't really work with.
All the writers and the director of this project worked super hard on bringing something comedic, light-hearted and engaging, I personally have no doubts the full game will live up to expectations!