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Do you know what time it is now? Time for long soundtracks!

An Introduction - Heh... The very first track has already surprised me! I feel the scale and the good overlap of the instruments. However, the piano echoes a little unpleasantly in the right ear. And so - it's already cool!

Main Menu Theme - (Lol, why did the beginning remind me of Take On Me?) I liked the abrupt transition and this "respite" to the drums. (To be honest: I danced to this track)

Jeff The Cool Fish Who Wears Sunglasses - Heh... It sounds like a swing! (I especially like the crazy piano.) Heh... It sounds like Jeff is a really cool fish!

The Great Fish War - GROOVES! (But the lead guitar is a little too loud, heh). The atmosphere of old rock is felt)

War Is Hell - This track scared me... Is this an audio visualization of Thomas Lee's painting?)

Jeff The Cool Fish Who Wears Sunglasses Ladies In The Great Fish War - I love this title) The combination of something is sad and at the same time... Cool? Jeff was definitely a cool fish. Press F

Evil Fish - Oh... I already hate angry fish... He's a bastard!

Final Battle Against Evil Fish IS A TIME OF REVENGE AND MADNESS!!1!
The End Of The Great Fish War - YOOHOO! VICTORY! (A very victorious melody)

Credits - I like that the leitmotives of the entire previous soundtrack are used for the title theme. This creates a general feeling that I have just completed a full game.

Thank you for the interesting emotions!

P.S. I laugh every time I read your description of the tracks :)

War is Hell was inspired by that painting!! I can’t believe someone caught that! Thank you so much for the review also!!! :D
