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Thanks a lot dude, glad you liked what you tried and felt like it was an improvement to the jam build ^^ 

I decided to put updates on the web build only at the moment so that people could have an easier time trying out the game regardless of their OS and don't have to download a new build everytime while it's not finnished.

Definitively, there is still a lot to do, i'm really sorry about what you experienced with the audio obviously didn't want to have everything blasting loudly :(
when i implemented the SE and all from post jam onwards, i balanced almost everything at -8db to not have it too loud and could only trust the results on my end, but i guess balance still wasn't right afterall, i'll rebalance everything lower and also look into adding a mute feature.

Regarding the UI I made it as clean as i could for now but can still be considered placeholder, like i mentioned in the jam i'm fairly new to coding, so i'm spending more time on this aspect at the moment and i'll try to have a bit of visual changes later once i get tha game a bit more feature complete under the hood, but i'm noting your suggestions for sure, really like the idea of having icons wherever possible, this would definitively have the UI less cluttered :)

The laser enemy i'll try to rework a bit, i made him have a bit lower spawnrate for balance but yeah you're right having only one at a time may feel a bit low.

A more elaborate menu system is planned but i have other stuff in the pipeline before i can get to those XD 

Noted, i'll definitively try to have background variation to spice up the visuals, i'll probably try just a color change as placeholder at first since i want to have everything  code wise be done before i can rework the visuals.

Thanks again Dar Vacui for your honest feedback and for trying out my game :D