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I would like to point out that every single comment so far has been from someone who needs help with the puzzles or from myself.

If that line has any grounds for removal, it is because it carries essentially no value whatsoever in terms of narrowing down the configuration space of the free-form answer.

I can't profess to know exactly what your goals are, but even apart from making the game accessible to the people who are playing it, I think the puzzles in their current state significantly detract from the experience by killing the pacing.

I'm rather surprised to hear this comment from you, given that the game is not exactly the next Baba is You, but rather a game about watching girls get incredibly pregnant and then give birth. Who is your target audience?

I'm saying multiple people have figured out the answers without cheating, as such the puzzles are solvable.

As I have not seen puzzle difficulty criticism prior to this for this game, to simplify them would be disrespectful to my audience that have supported me and scrutinized my work to hell and back way before I decided to upload anything here.

I think you have a very reductionist approach. Not every game has to either be a hardcore puzzle or a cutscene gallery.

You seem to have an interest in this project beyond the regular passerby. What do you suggest my audience should be based on what you've seen?

I think the puzzles are mostly fine, with a couple exceptions.
1. You should add some form of tutorial about the changing poses. (I solved both paths without knowing that could be done, so I thought the doll head was INCREDIBLY unfair, and I guessed the word with only 3 letters)
2. For the "Solve the equation" card it should be more clear that Kari is not expecting you to enter a number. It would have been in my first 10 guesses, if I didn't spend roughly 40 guesses entering various numbers.

Ironically, one of the acceptable words is 'guess'.