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A member registered Sep 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ah. I had blinded myself to the more colloquial name.

I thought the answer to the third one would be "ultraviolet light", but I have tried many variations on it and none have worked.

That would be a good idea, assuming it's kosher for jam purposes - and I would imagine it's kosher yeah.

My guess is "ultraviolet light" but I tried many variations on that ("uv" "uvlight" "ultraviolet" etc) but none worked. Reveals traces of bodily fluids including cum and blood, name is apt as it is beyond violet but could possibly be considered a contradiction as, not being visible light, it is not colored.

This issue is also occurring with the downloaded version.

I'm using the browser version, and like with H3lpm1plz, she is not accepting any recipes, even very simple ones.

How many endings are there?



Thanks! I was unaware of the gem! I love learning new things about the world in the comment section of a furry weight gaining fetish game <3


Sorry to be 'that guy' but I don't see anyone else mentioning it, so I feel obligated to ask:

Is there a reason the title is spelled how it is, instead of "Escape Your Appetite"?

Simple and sweet! I only wish that recipes that were already found would list their ingredients, no way I can remember the ingredients I used for 22 recipes lol

Seems fair enough to me, though I would definitely say that the value of feedback while developing a game (especially in a short time) is so disproportionately great that I would be hesitant to stymie the supply of such an asset.

Overall good improvements, though personally I would enjoy more stages of wg progression!

This is soooooo good, can't wait to see what you do next, whether it's iterating on this or something new! You clearly have a very solid grasp of game design AND what is appealing to specifically me re: WG - that is, the sense of progression!

Looks like creatures can escape the level sometimes lol

Looking forward to one-handed controls :)

Trying to figure out the system behind the alchemy is both fun and driving me insane! I thought I had it figured out since mixing Pixie Dust and Dragon Scales yields 5 potency, Pixie Dust and Ground Wheat also gives 5 potency, which meant to me that ground wheat and dragon scales gave the same amount of potency, so when mixed together they gave 4, so they must have 2 each and pixie dust has 3... except when I did the same math for the latency in the same recipes, I get PD+DS=4, PD+GW=6 -> GW=DS+2, but then separately DS+GW=3... which I guess could be true if DS=0.5 and GW=2.5 and PD=3.5 but that would imply ALL latency values end in 0.5 which is doubtful to me. So it must be more complex than I thought, which is cool but also AAAA

When I put dragon scales in the pot, it won't let me add beans, but the other way around works fine.

I know scientific rigor probably isn't a very high priority, but I would recommend renaming the "mass" attribute to "size" or similar

Heh... expand...

I'm sure you have plenty of ideas, but one of the first things I'd suggest is making the different levels of inflation matter; more vertical speed, or more momentum, etc.

It seems that you can double-deliver to one door by deflating while running into it.

(1 edit)

Assuming that you need help with the 'equation' puzzle, the closest I can come without explicitly saying the answer would be something like: Nami got the "luck up" card, and then proceeded to perform very "well" when it comes to random numbers. When operating under logical uncertainty, a math problem can appear to have any number of possible solutions, so Nami should be able to help.

If this is still not sufficient, no big deal. What little desire I had to keep that route's ending trapped behind this puzzle for these players is rapidly diminishing, so let me know if you need further help.

I would like to point out that every single comment so far has been from someone who needs help with the puzzles or from myself.

If that line has any grounds for removal, it is because it carries essentially no value whatsoever in terms of narrowing down the configuration space of the free-form answer.

I can't profess to know exactly what your goals are, but even apart from making the game accessible to the people who are playing it, I think the puzzles in their current state significantly detract from the experience by killing the pacing.

I'm rather surprised to hear this comment from you, given that the game is not exactly the next Baba is You, but rather a game about watching girls get incredibly pregnant and then give birth. Who is your target audience?

One of the letters is behind a door, and one of them is under a table which you can see by cycling your pose pressing 'R' or 'P' by default.

I'll try to help: they can be under furniture which you will need to check using the "cycle pose" key, bound to 'R' or 'P' by default. They can also be inside things which you will need to search, and it's not always the most intuitive what can be searched or not. One of them is also lying on some stuff downstairs and can be hard to miss.

It has to do with Nami getting the "luck up" card earlier. Let me know if you still need to be given the answer after that!

Only did the Nami route so far, but it was really, really good! Loved the progression, loved the magnitude, I hope the other route is similarly effective!

My main complaint would be the puzzles being a bit finnicky and unintuitive. The doll parts can be pretty nondescript, the letter hiding behind the door was almost too dark to notice, and I had to cheat for the "equation" one, though I think I know what the intention was in hindsight. If you wanted that one to be more intuitive, the hint definitely should have been more specific than "has anything notable happened" lmao. Maybe allow the player to see the cards that had been applied to the players so they would be reminded Nami had the "luck" card. The fact she had rolled 4 sixes in a row was definitely improbable, but, well, it's not like anything going on was very probable, was it? It's the sort of puzzle that seems obvious if you're the one who made it, but with how it was presented it is nigh-impenetrable to an outsider.

Gonna need some time to recover for the other route, haha

Hey, if anyone wants to expect alacrity of a creator, they better be paying for it! Personally I'm tired of people haranguing creators who are providing free content. Obviously, it's not black and white, but I tend to see too much of a lean toward the "ungrateful" side.

Yooo, hold up, I recognize this game title! This was from a Gain Jam, right?

I would have figured that the game would simulate your fingers sticking together by force-pressing neighboring keys for certain fingers as time goes on, causing you to have to backspace to fix it. That might be more fun and unique imo, especially if transformation and/or failure was tied solely to a timer, rather than mistakes made.

Thanks for listening! Just want to reiterate that I still like this game, and accomplishing the gameplay goals is satisfying (it really is a good formula for a Monkey Ball-esque game); to enjoy it though, I basically had to be like "alright, I'll just check out the gallery after I unlock all the images, I can't do shit with my right hand when I'm swearing at the game" lol

Oh fuck yes.

Fun game! Wish I had realized earlier that the fullscreen toggle is F5 and not F lmao

Do take care as well, we wouldn't want this to become a source of stress for you!

(1 edit)

I think I explained this a bit better/more thoroughly in my review, but to sum it up, the movement system is very committal while the obstacles are punishing. In order to perform well at that, you have to deliberately avoid being distracted by the right side of the screen... which is really the side of the screen I'd rather focus on, lol

Edit: just want to add that it's not the end of the world or anything, but I just didn't expect this to be the kind of game that I would swear aloud during. Those games definitely can be fun, I fucking love Dark Souls for example, but I wasn't expecting it from this game and I tend to favor the H over the Game for H games anyway

Good art! Gameplay's a bit frustrating, though, I didn't expect that

Hey, it's showing up again! Not sure what happened, but it un-happened :)

I can't see this when searching for it anymore, was it unlisted?