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A member registered Jul 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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I guess freeplay mode will be that, since it won't have a plot.

I guess the full release will have a visually neutered version, since I'm aiming for a Steam presence.

Though, I would advise against playing this if you're squeamish with that kind of stuff.

I don't think any of the routes focus on one character more than the others.

But no, I don't think there's room for a route that focuses solely on the PC.
She is a conduit for the player to observe the story, as such she lacks any meaningful personality to play off of

There are multiple words that work. I didn't consider people would shorten her name though.

Ironically, one of the acceptable words is 'guess'.

she's wearing something green

I'm saying multiple people have figured out the answers without cheating, as such the puzzles are solvable.

As I have not seen puzzle difficulty criticism prior to this for this game, to simplify them would be disrespectful to my audience that have supported me and scrutinized my work to hell and back way before I decided to upload anything here.

I think you have a very reductionist approach. Not every game has to either be a hardcore puzzle or a cutscene gallery.

You seem to have an interest in this project beyond the regular passerby. What do you suggest my audience should be based on what you've seen?

(3 edits)

I know I don't hold the player's hand, but the puzzles are very penetrable. Much more so than what I'm known for.
I understand the demographic here is more casual, but enough people have managed to finish both routes without issue, that I will likely make the puzzles more difficult on the next release.

In my opinion, the line "has anything notable happened" should be removed altogether, not be more specific.