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Overall a very pretty sound, good orchestration of your ideas and I think the balancing of everything was done quite well. I really noticed your main theme, and thought it was used very well in each individual song that it was in, however I do wish that as a whole it had a bit more variation across the different pieces- it never felt wrong or out of place in any given one, but because I had heard it in such a similar way in the other songs i feel it unfortunately lost some of the impact it could have had on me. This isn't to bash your usage of leitmotif, as it is something I really do like and I did still overall like the fact that you used it to tell story, this is more a slight compositional critique to help make the soundtrack as a whole a teeny bit more engaging, because this was still really good!! I know this may read a bit harsh, but i truly enjoyed this. Nice work!

Critique is only harsh if you take it personally and not seriously! I'm actually really happy you took the time to write all that and I'm definitely going to use your advice to improve my music moving forwards! Thank you so much and I really enjoyed your music as well!