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A member registered May 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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I know you got a comment saying it didnt really fit the theme but honestly i dont see it, i think the theme of an underground level can be taken all sorts of different directions and i can totally see this in the context of a more like modern electronic upbeat version of the soundtrack, the wavyness of the synth really gives this sense of openness that i find really fun, while also leaving room for the "dark" side of being underground with the bass. Nice work!

my guess is its just barely over 3 minutes long, seems like things are kind of strict here for things like that

always <3

This was very good, I think you did a really good job!! All i would have liked is maybe some slight change in the timbre of that ascending part that loops over and over to give it some slight differentiation throughout the piece, but this was reallly really good, nailed the more calm but slightly creepy vibes!!! Excellent work as always :>

no problem! Anytime :>

I think for something more directly inspired by the original work you did a good job! I just wish that the intro was a bit shorter, as because of the lack of percussion and other instruments around it it was a bit hard to find the pulse and overall feel of the song in those first 30 seconds. Once it got going though i really enjoyed this, and liked the...  creative melody at the end :)

I like the different ideas you have, and i think they all do fit together well compositionally, but the stark contrast in instrumentation, volume, and effects almost takes me out of it a bit. I think if you worked on turning the volume on the loud synth down a bit, and boosting everything else it will make for a more enjoyable listening experience, while still conveying that "broken distorted voice" feeling you said you were going for. Pretty cool!

This is super good, I like how you build the intensity throughout the loop with both different ideas and also very different instrumentation and rhythm to create an even sharper contrast between your different sections! All i want is a few more drums and I think this would be perfect. Excellent work!

This is really cool!!! Reminds me a lot of terraria actually, and i can totally imagine the style that this could fit in. My only real complaint is that I wish that the melody was a bit louder especially when the marimba instrument is the main focus. I actually dont mind the repetitiveness of this, because you develop it pretty well and make it interesting to listen every time with the different instruments and aggressive backing to it. Good stuff!!!

Of this jam and ost jam this is the first one ive heard that i can actually agree when saying its jazz inspired, was really fun and i liked all your ideas, but i think the wobble effect is a bit to strong, and those synth shots feel a little bit sudden, i see what you were doing with the more sforzando style shot but i think a softer entry with a louder end will help keep it more stylistic with the type of music ur writing here. Good work!

I love the vibes of this, my only real complaint being that I think the pads in the back sounds a bit out of place with the rest of the 8 bit instrumentation you had going (this probably could have felt more cohesive if you just changed it to a base triangle/sine wave). But I liked it! I love how you developed that main theme and made it interesting despite just being a relatively small section to repeat over and over, and the custom time running low and ending theme was an excellent touch. Good work!

i appreciate the direction you went with this, especially liking that main melody line and the transition section around 0:44, but I think even within the limitations of the NES you may be able to do a bit more to make the song more engaging, because sometimes I to me some of the parts just don't mesh together as well as I'd like to, the bass on the drum track seems to clash with the melody instruments a lot, and in the second time you go through that main melody it feels a bit jarring how it goes back and forth from the melody and more counter melody lines and unison, on top of really sharp and aggresive articulation sometimes. I see what you were going for, but I think it just didn't vibe with me as much as I was hoping it would. Still, I think you did an overall fine job on this, working within the nes restrictions is really hard so kudos to you for making something good from it!

I think you took a very creative approach with the sound, though i feel like you didnt entirely stay closer to that more 8 bit style besides the lead and those backing pads (only mentioning this because you mentioned you were going more for that style). I vibe with the song overall but I think i dont entirely get the same interpretation as what you intended here, it feels like the main key in that feels more sad is the fact it is in a minor key, but the instrumentation choices outside of the guitar kind of make it seem a bit more positive in my eyes. Thats purely subjective but i just wanted to share my interpretation. Overall nice tho!

Pokémon PKW3113-45 cm Sleeping Plush - Pichu, Official Plush:  Toys

I have a autotune on made by Maudio (free) iirc, as well as Krush (also free), a bit of messing around with eq and then Erosion, which is a native ableton plugin  native

I mean the way you so seamlessly flow from these loud punchy and aggressive full ensemble parts to more narrow and quieter moments, which really creates that sense of pushing forward and change in the piece. I Think you did a very good job of it, and it could be elevated just a little bit more if you made some of the louds a bit louder, and the quieter spots a little bit softer to make that difference even more intense.

Love me some rock orchestra, and I think you executed it very well here! I especially love those soaring string lines over top of the heavier guitar lines, creates a very strong contrast that gives the listener lot to listen to and makes it even more impactful, I think you could make the strings a little bit louder on the higher end especially but overall very good quality for this, good stuff!

adding vocals in the minecraft jam just because of this comment

Wow, just gorgeous. I love how slow that harmonic progression was, really made it feel like time was slowing down as the breath of the song slowly came to an end, and that fade out was gorgeous too. Excellent stuff

The second song really interested me, I don't know what kind of inspirations you take but the quality of how the vocal sample was used reminds me a lot of Close to Me by sabrepulse, I think the direction you went with it though is pretty cool, i enjoyed the experimental vibes of it a lot :>

Completely matched that warm campfire you mentioned, before reading that I was about to say that this made me think of a nice warm get together with friends, wrapped up in blankets drinking hot drinks and just sharing nice stories with each other. The vibes of this are so great, and I think it will be even better with vocals added in! 

I really love the ideas you have going here, and the development of the choir was really cool, I think the nature of the repeated chord structure is fine but I will echo what twitchey said and encourage you to try adding a bit more happening in between the lines to help develop it more, running string lines or piano countermelodies, I actually think a good example of this is Lusamines Final Theme in pokemon sun and moon, as well as Insaneintherains interpretation of it, specifically the part around 1:15, but overall his piano parts are very good at staying active and I think you could apply that to writing for strings in more shot heavy works as well. Good stuff though, this was a super enjoyable listen to me.

The piano and percussion writing is what really makes this stand out for me with the totk inspirations, the sporadic and all over the place parts that just fill in the blank space left by everything else, with all these incredible shots, in between! I love how you mess with rhythm in this too, makes it super engaging. The sharp dynamic contrast in this piece is so cool, and I think you could have gone even further with it in that aspect! Excellent stuff tho

This is pretty cool, especially when paired with the story that you made for this! Lots of cool exciting ideas that are backed by this more creepy background, which creates a really cool contrast, i especially like Spirited as the energy in it is really fun :> I think the mixing could use a bit more work, making your melodies stand out more and having the supporting tracks be a little quieter and helping the overall balance I think would really elevate your work! I can't remember if this is something thats an extra challenge on beepbox or not from our discussions in ost comp jam, but regardless still very cool

This was just gorgeous the whole way through, really heartfelt and relaxing. I love how soft and gentle your writing for piano is, and the way you sit on some of those les consonant tones just gives a beautiful edge to the piece that feels very.. contemplative. Good job!

This was very fun to listen to, love me some 7/8 i loved that little plucky synth in the background that popped up occasionally to do arpeggios, it gave it some fun extra character to the offbeat fun sound you already had going, and i think it matches well with that lil theme you gave with it! Very fun :>

I don't think ive heard anything really like this, and honestly i see that as a huge positive. I was super intrigued the whole way through because I didn't really know what was coming next, and I don't think any of the ideas felt super out of place. I do wish the bass in the earlier parts of the song before the drop was a bit less strong because it cut through pretty aggressively sometimes, and while that may be an artistic choice it didnt entirely sit well with me. But this was still super cool, Loved listening to this!

Very very relaxing, chords, and cool stuff overtop to keep it interesting! I think the delay on the drums is a little bit too strong, Idk how you are accomplishing that but trying to add more reverb and maybe further apart echoes might help what im hearing a lil bit, but overall really good!!

The use of the overtone singing was so cool, I havent heard that in music in a while!!! Super relaxing and atmospheric, but i do wish the low ends of the vocals were a bit more prominent

Oooo this was creepy, that booming percussion in the background was really interesting, I think it would have been cool if you had a bit more dynamic changes in the non vocal elements, like maybe having that percussion slowly build or the character of the pads change to get more vibrant to introduce some elements of variation, but other then that I think the vocal stuff was super cool and I did really enjoy this

This was such a cool build up and climax, I could really see this in a sci-fi esque movie scored over some triumphant moment, like a spaceship taking off and seeing the galaxy spread out in front of it. I loved some of the more abstract sound choices you had in this, overall well done

Man you always blow me away, the texture that the strings add especially just create such a strong sense of tension and wonder, i could see this as like epic trailer music for a big game, like maybe if TOTK started a trailer with the depths or sm. Excellent work as always

awww thank you!!!

Love my girl lena, im not sticking with this cover if i do anything else with this so i figured id do a nod to the framing of oneknowing :3

Thanks :D

Thank u!!!!

this style honestly is a little bit out of my comfort zone so im glad you liked it! I will try and mess around with it more in the future

I was considering messing with a vocoder in this but i ended up not doing that mostly due to time, along with rerecording the vocals messing with a vocoder is something i do want to try so I absolutely will, cause that roboty unnatural feel is def more what im going for here. ty!

I always love seeing how people interpret this progression, because some people do see it more in f minor (bVI - V) but I always feel it more in Bb minor. Glad you still liked it tho :>

Everyone's got their tastes! Thanks for listening regardless