This was a really cool playthrough, you did a great job of setting up tension through cutscenes. You have a real knack for the cinematic, and you created real feeling when setting the stage. There's room for improvement, but there's a lot to like here (and I'm not just talking about Trix lol).
Here's my pretentious, over-written - and unasked for - honest thoughts while playing:
- Opening cutscene is great, the music works perfectly the color choice is bold and unique and it all really works well together. However, its just a touch too slow towards the end. I know you want a slower pacing to build suspense, and it works for the beginning but after the characters wake up and before they start getting to their feet the pacing should pick up a bit.
- The following dialogue dump is kind of bland and uninspiring and doesn't really add anything to what you've created so far. The opener did a great job with building tension but this dialogue felt like filler rather than substance and took me out of the moment a bit.
- But then the first battle starts and you absolutely nail the atmosphere, it made me sit up in my seat immediately. The boss animations and music, coupled with throwing the player directly to the wolves with the enemy attacking him right from the beginning works very well. The combat could use a fair amount of fine tuning, but the movement feels great and I'm a big fan of how bouncy the jump feels.
- Another dialogue critique: it may be a personal preference but I'd prefer if the text was written out faster and then required a player input to advance to the next speaker so that I can read at my own pace, rather than the way it is currently set up where I have to read at the specific pace the game tells me to. kind of a minor thing but it would be a nice quality of life change, imo.
- 12/10 for Trix, disregard the rest of my comment, this game is a masterpiece.
This was a fun play through, and I think the cinematic cutscenes, color palette, and character modeling give this game a lot of personality and promise. I think cutting some of the fluff out of the dialogue and maybe digging a bit deeper into the story and motivations of the players would help continue the atmosphere, and if the combat system was fleshed out a bit more I think it would be a really good game.