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So I need to preface this by saying I really don't like RPG maker games they are all cookie cutter copy and paste jobs in my opinion. I'm glad I was wrong about that with this one.

I honestly did not want to play this game as reasoned above but I gave it a fair shot anyways and I'm really glad I did. I was immediately hit by FOMO upon knowing I had to pick a bunch of ingredients and reach a ton of text and recipes and then somehow succeed.

Suffice to say I was pleasantly surprised by the gameplay loop. The fact that I could take my time and collect a bunch of ingredients every round and focus on increasing stats for speed and harvesting was such a good idea and I'm super glad it was there so I could build up a proper arsenal of bombs.

The problem is by the time I actually felt ready to fight the boss it died after 1 bomb throw hahahaha. I didn't even think I had risen my stats that much it was maybe.. 5-6 loops or so before I properly went for it?

Still it was a really good gameplay loop I just wish there was more ways to figure out what worked/didn't work without feeling like I was wasting all my resources by testing stuff on the boss. In the end I basically dumb brained my way through it by just getting as much as I could and making myself insanely strong by accident.

Oh well, still had a lot of fun with it!