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So the game looks great however the forceful nature of making the game Fullscreen should be an option and not a you have Fullscreen or you don't play and would like to know the reason behind it from your point of view as the developer. Otherwise good game.

Hello! The reason the game is forcing you into full screen because some dumb dumb (me) couldn't find a way to make the UI text scale.  It isn't in the game engine natively (we are using Bevy) and after spending so much time on first implementation of the the UI, I didn't want to go out there and try to learn someone else's UI framework for the game. So in order for the text to not look terrible, we just force into full screen. I'm sorry :,)

Ooo a Rust engine I like that a lot actually especially a different frame work with Webgl. I only can do Gdscript and Unity and Unreal so can understand maybe ur engine doesn't have the same capabilities to deploy correctly to Webgl. Game looks great either way.