When a slave is crawling and you attempt to change their current job.
Need to change
if globals.currentslave.movement == 'crawl' && !i.location.has('mansion'):
if globals.currentslave.movement == 'crawl' && i.location != 'mansion':
It sounds like that didn’t override the file right. Jobs should now have their location as an array instead of a string as framework for the upcoming job revamp which will allow one job to be chosen then sent to one of multiple valid locations. I’ll check the code and see but that is as intended.
Do you remember the initial job and the newly chosen job? One may have been missed
Its fully working but i didn't really do it as a mod applied on top of yours. Since both of you basically just overwrite the entire files I pretty much just ended up combining the two together into a single file. i also threw in preginfo and this morning got into a bit of a binge and turned Farm label into a fully functional tab with the ability to add slaves to the farm through the sleep options like the jail.