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A member registered Aug 30, 2017

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I was able to capture the undead priest inside of the temple of doom area. Otherwise yeah the main target of a daily bounty doesn't seem to be capturable and those abominations never have friends. 

Having an abomination in your household for long is not great though. They can't do anything and they lower the happiness of anyone in your household with less than 40 willpower by 2 per day

I would check to make sure you have the mod's folders/files in the right spot. It can't find the which needs to be located at the path specified on the 6th line in that report (3rd error message)

The first error isn't a bug. You just failed to look at the folder inside of the Aric's mod folder called IMPORTANT - READ THIS BEFORE INSTALLING and following the instructions contained within there. Part of which includes dropping in that specific file because it doesn't exist in the base game.

Not entirely sure how the other one would be coming about though because Aric's Expansion doesn't change that line or anything relating to what is stored in the variable. Would recommend following the instructions on the install and then seeing if it goes away. 

I don't believe this feature is actually intended to currently be functional. Sacrificing a slave to give you traits to pass on to your kids is in the plans but it hasn't been implemented yet as far as i know

low strength and big assets? Frail slaves are often crawlers until you get their strength above 2-3

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Im assuming you have several mods active and they're conflicting. The mods on this game are incredibly basic in terms of working together. Pretty much if 2 of them try and edit the same thing, unless 1 intentionally accounts for the others it won't work. Because this is such a large mod that's probably your problem. I would recommend removing all your mods, then loading this mod FIRST. From there check if its working properly. If it is, then its a conflict with your other mods. Keep adding them on until you find which one is breaking your game. Then either don't use it or see if you can find a compatible version

Hint: There's nothing in this mod that will break your game when its by itself and applied to the base game (not yet compatible with bugfixes).

The handcuffs aren't permanent crawling. Its just for that day. Take them off and progress the day and they'll be back to normal

Using the mansion file isn't required at all, just gives a few more options when creating your initial character (those 4 in the 2nd column that are blank in the above screenshot being those options). If you want those options you must rename his mansion.tscn file but i would recommend saving yours elsewhere first. Can also leave the duplicates in the folder they're in, they won't hurt anything.  If you don't use his mansion file it will just automatically generate those stats for you.

So this morning I got into a bit of a creative binge and turned your mod into a fully functional tab with the ability to assign new slaves to the farm via sleeping conditions similar to Jail. It also includes full jail like restrictions (totally piggybacked on the jail for this). 

Was wondering how you would feel about me sharing it with your work included? I'll keep it for personal use if you would rather I didn't.

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Its fully working but i didn't really do it as a mod applied on top of yours. Since both of you basically just overwrite the entire files I pretty much just ended up combining the two together into a single file. i also threw in preginfo and this morning got into a bit of a binge and turned Farm label into a fully functional tab with the ability to add slaves to the farm through the sleep options like the jail.

Its because it technically is a hint window instead of an actual tooltip. I kinda took the minimalist route and didn't want to expand the scope to include a new panel which would properly format the information so i utilized the hint portion of the existing combat panel. But because its a hint and not a panel it has a small delay when hovering over something.

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Ah yep, my fault. I merged your mod with the information organizer.  Since you do such a nice job of commenting where you do code changes i dropped your changes on top of its base files, but missed the change of locations to array form since someone failed to comment them ;P

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She was a newly obtained slave who was resting and i couldn't select a job. With that bug in play the list of jobs won't appear.

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Doing a quick findall in the files the only place i see 'plains' listed is your outskirtsarray in where you define it as 

Line 77: var outskirtsarray = ['wimbornoutskirts','forest','plains','gornoutskirts','amberguardforest','frostfordoutskirts','shaliq','umbra']

otherwise it exists nowhere else in your code or in the main game code. So must be migrating from there to globals.state.offscreennpcs somehow.

Still getting the plains error.


Think the problem with this is that you're getting 'plains' as your zonecode and then trying to plug it into the database. globals.areas.database in lists the zonecode as being called 'prairie' instead.

so as a quick fix could just slap this under your zonecode at line 2210

if zonecode == 'plains':
zonecode = 'prairie'

When a slave is crawling and you attempt to change their current job.

Need to change 

if globals.currentslave.movement == 'crawl' && !i.location.has('mansion'):


if globals.currentslave.movement == 'crawl' && i.location != 'mansion':

I actually just had one of my cows still give 1493 food from milk and she's only got huge boobs and milk flow 2 with no other farm upgrades. All my other cows are reasonable numbers although none of them do have any milk flow modifiers.

Also looking at your code i saw this which doesn't seem to make sense.

var chefhelped = false

if chefmod > 0:
chefhelped = true
chefhelped = true

At that point why bother with the if? Just set it to true 

Seems like the sex system involving multiple partners has some issues. Its running a full loop for every partner and its also providing both the text for penis too big and too small

Just accidentally captured an atypical as well and it broke my ability to return to the mansion with slaves because in you don't account for atypical in the func captureeffect(person): multipliers.

Kinda just seems like the atypical position just isn't being included properly in the globals. Just encountered my first atypical slave as a demon girl in the marsh and I get this just from trying to hover over her in the post-battle menu.

I think adding beauty age and perhaps level? Would probably be plenty. It does already mention their race, but as it stands now it kinda requires you to remember their name (which you only see if you actually defeated them) from a random combat session in which i guess you ran out of ropes? 

Awesome! Sorry I haven't been involved with this game in quite a few years. How would I go about getting your fix?

Really wish this had been fixed....

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Any idea why <AddTo -1> just throws a bunch of errors? I'm attempting to add a new function to the class combatant: in and I don't particularly care where it is as long as its in there so adding it at the end would be great as it would be compatible with any mod (even with your changes). The modding help does say that this is perfectly valid but I could only get it to work by specifying a particular line which makes it vulnerable to other mods

Edit: Oh, apparently it was already brought up in the modding thread like a year+ ago and has just never been fixed.... That's super lame

Ok thanks. I kinda of figured that out myself once i fixed that and started getting other errors coming up and code duplicated in other spots. I think its because as someone else mentioned I was using the code fixes and didn't quite understand how horrible the mod system was in this game yet.

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The reason why mods are so incompatible if they edit the same file is because the system the game uses basically requires you to tell it what file to look at, and then give it a specific line number to add/remove code for. So if the line numbers are changed because one mod completely overwrites the file then it will change the wrong thing or insert the code in the wrong place and then it may work (if it doesn't necessarily matter where in a function the code is and doesn't accidentally drop it in the middle of some if or for) but it may also break everything.

So i'm getting an error running v.08 by itself. Followed the update instructions but for some reason all the variables down at the bottom are completely defined twice in a row. Apologizes if i just did something wrong, but wasn't sure if its just me. Just deleted them all in my version

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So haven't played this game in quite a while but was incredibly disappointed when I came back and couldn't see bandit's information anymore. I mean i'm going weapon to weapon with these thugs and I can't even tell what race, gender or age they are?! Makes no sense to me so I just put together a tooltip of the pertinent information  whenever you hover over a bandit. 

Bandit Tooltip

Made a mod version of this for those using no mods or those which only minimally modify If your mod doesn't much change the func _ready(); or func start_battle(nosound =false) functions it should be compatible. If you are, you will need to slightly adjust the line numbers to compensate.!hl9GjABa!tpT3Kl23toKjNf3UnEzI6pqaqNDIi49Pm4DIE97-3C8

This version will work for Aric's Expansion v.08!kk9knSAA!6IQc_fA_5pIqiub_-0AFCTweh-1WtupT0Z9fNLY0nQg

Can replace your existing file in files\scripts\ with this if you use v.07 of Aric's Expansion. Otherwise follow instructions!IgkE2aZT!unaJ0YvU7P4-rRF4Yl74vaAB229zE7veGGaIL_YqTug

Just follow the directions  for copy pasting the information yourself and it should work with vanilla or any other mod that edits the Before anyone complains about doing it themselves, its only 10 lines in 3 different locations and 2 of those are the same line. For this you can use any code editor which will open a .gd file but highly recommend Notepad++. Its amazing and super useful at opening almost anything if you don't have it already.

Note: All line numbers use Aric's Expansion v.07. Of course he would launch v.08 while I was fiddling with this. Will probably update my line numbers for the new version tomorrow but otherwise Ctrl F is your friend.


1) Navigate to your files\scripts\ and open

2)  Add the following line 

            newbutton.connect('mouse_entered', newcombatant, 'enemytooltip')

right after

           newbutton.connect('mouse_entered', newcombatant, 'combatanttooltip')

on lines  90, and 174 (accounts for the new line you're adding).

NOTE: You can follow my line numbers for this one if you use v.07 of Aric's Expansion or just ctrl + F for combatanttooltip. There will be 4 examples of this before you reach func combatanttooltip(). You'll add the line right after the  2nd and 4th ones being sure not to count the ones with hide at the front. It won't actually hurt anything if you do all 4, but you'll end up getting a tooltip on yourself and your slaves while in combat if you do the others.

3) Next we need to remove the existing func enemytooltip(enemy): its an outdated function which has been replaced (and had this feature in it) but is no longer supported. You'll be deleting lines 730 to 741. For those of you not using the mod just ctrl F the above func to find it. Next you're going to copy and paste 

func enemytooltip():
var text = ''
if self.person != null:
self.node.get_parent().move_child(node, node.get_parent().get_children().size())
text += name + '\n'
text += self.person.race + ' ' + self.person.age + ' ' + + '.\n'
text += "\nGrade: " +
self.node.hint_tooltip = text

right after func hidecombatanttooltip(): on line 550 while being sure to format appropriately, sorry forum formating which doesn't support code inserts is lame. See picture. And now you're done! Enjoy knowing who you're beating up!