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Alrighty, finally took a look at this game!

From the get-go, the first thing I noticed was the music! The music is nice and went in a different direction than what I expected, which was pleasant. The second thing that caught my eye was the UI! I thought the animations on the UI look really clean! Same goes for the icons in general.

I also dig the sort of neon look the characters and enemies have.

One thing I wish there was was some sort of log or place to record the combinations that we discovered and what they make. There's a pretty surprising amount of combinations and they all possess multiple different effects. I must have spent a good 20 to 30 minutes trying to figure out a very specific combination I did by accident, so during that time I was just whacking monsters in the head, grabbing their souls and hoping I'd come across the right combination again, so it would've been nice to have a place to refer to regarding these discovered combinations (I did eventually figure out the combination).

I was also surprised that there's sort of a "stealth mode". I didn't use it because the character I made was more of a "me strong, me destroy" kinda guy, but I might revisit at some point and try to focus on building more towards a stealthier side to have a proper taste of it.

Another point I like as well is that the combat isn't necessarily forced, even if it's the point of this demo. The character has tools to dash away from any monster fights and could only probably be caught by another player. Speaking of which, I also liked that there's an upgrade for a player to deal more damage especifically against stronger players. Sadly I didn't get to see it in action, but it's cool to have stuff like that that can still level the playing field!

A suggestion I have for the UX is to have a small description show up when hovering with the mouse over the different ability buttons. I wasn't sure what each button made my character do and had to play around with it. I'm fine with doing that, but there's definitely people who might not be patient enough to explore options, which is unfortunate, but it does occur. Putting some sort of description as the mouse hovers could mitigate possible annoyance from those players.

At first, I wasn't sure if I was vibing with the gameplay controls, but after some time tinkering with everything, I started to get pretty used to them. I didn't quite figure out how to dodge properly yet. I'm not sure if dashing away as an enemy tries to attack counts as a dodge, but if it does, I don't recall seeing a signal that I did it successfully. There were mechanics focused on dodging, so at some point I'd like to try and understand the dodge mechanic a bit better.

I do definitely see the base of an MMO here and it does give me some of the vibes of some other MMOs I've played in the past. I'd be curious to see some sort of event more PvE-ish in the future against a boss, for example.

During my time with it, I encountered no glitches at all. I did encounter two players. The first one killed me in my first minute on the game, and the second one I killed with one hit, so I had fun with that.

If you guys were capable of doing this in two weeks, I can see you being able to scale this up for sure. As many others have said, this is really impressive. I could stay here saying things I'd like to see and all, but I'm sure you guys have a lot planned and a lot you wish to do already. It'll be interesting to see how this evolves. Very stellar work!


Thank you for your lovely comment 😄 we will be working on improving the introduction of the game, we do want to add a skill book, and many other features 😄

TBH I had a lot of fun writing down all the spell combos in Notepad++ rather than just having them told to me, but having in-game UI for it would prob be a better way of doing it for the casuls