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Fair play on fixing the ground clip

In addition to coming back to the first guy later, I found that grabbing all the phone booths but still leaving the last guy for last saved about 3-4 seconds over doing him while I was in the area from activating the phone booth

Also due to restarting a hundred times I did notice that there are like 5 different title screen images and several for the calls which is pretty dope

sub 1 minute is def possible but already been grinding this for like 3 hours so gonna stop for now at least lol

found a glitch during my first playthrough where i went into knocked state and fell into the ground which teleported me pretty late in the map, if I could manage to replicate this for a run that would make sub 1 minute easier

fucking rad as hell

I'm interested to see what you think of, but for a roguelike I imagine enemies to be deadly but with glaring weaknesses that a skillful player learns to exploit, such as an enemy that deals a large amount of physical damage each turn but is weak to accuracy/evasion changes from the player

Nice update! Will be excited to see how combat feels when more complex enemy behavior is implemented.

One small piece of feedback that I remembered, but I think it would be cool if you could use Caestus skills while weaponless, since that logically makes sense to me and would also make my hypothetical fists-only playthrough more interesting. I do know that working with NULL weapon can be a pain though, and also that that might take a little bit away from the powerlessness of lacking equipment, so it's alright if it doesn't happen.

I'm glad to be of assistance with the errors and also glad that the combat will be more fleshed out in due time. I will be sure to check back every once in a while to see how this is going! Thanks for the downloadable version as well.

I played this on the downloadable version yesterday, but Itch didn't let me post a comment for some reason. I will say that the web version is more convenient for trial purposes, but generally I strongly prefer to download games.

First, some bugs that are hopefully easy to fix but that detract a great deal from the gameplay experience:

 When I use mend wounds I get this error that likely resulted from an animation that was loaded using a script call or plugin function but not used in one of the engine's designated animation spots, resulting in it not being added to the list of animations included when [Remove unused assets] check is checked (this isn't exact, but should give a good place to start when trying to fix it)

This happened while out of battle:

Second a piece of specific gameplay feedback

In my gameplay, it seemed like whether or not an encounter is (mostly) safe boils down to one thing: Does the enemy deal more damage than mend wounds recovers? If yes, then I have to hope that I can deal enough damage to kill it before it kills me (which usually doesn't work). If no, then the optimal strategy is to spam mend wounds every turn* (with the important detail that it can crit and miss, which means luck is involved so its certainly not an airtight strategy) until I am at full health, and sometimes the gain of Mend Wounds is like 5 health higher than the damage taken so I sit there spamming the same move for a while which is quite boring

For actual feedback on how I feel about the game concept, I must say that I like it a lot! The idea of a rougelite RPG is very compelling, the dark atmosphere and edgy text feels dark-souls esc, and the randomized loot can make for some cool emergent gameplay with trying different strategies and unique setups based on whatever weapon skills I'm stuck with if those ever become more distinct (maybe they already are pretty different, I didn't see more than a few types of weapons since I didn't play too too much) along with some desperation when I get into tight spots. I will be excited to see if this game goes anywhere!

That was quick  :)! Thanks for the fix and I'll be sure to update even if it means a restart since I haven't gotten very far yet

I think I got softlocked at the beginning of the game lol

I entered that weapon/crafting store next to the crematorium, walked to the right to dodge the bombing, went to the crematorium and talked to the two guys there, when I went back into the weapon/crafting store there was a corpse blocking the entrance but when I walked passed I couldn't walk out and talking to the shopkeeper just has shopkeeper behavior while interacting with the corpse just made me walk up to the counter

This is a super cool idea for a game and I can tell a lot of effort was put into it! It took me a while to figure out the balance (My one complaint would be that there doesn't seem to be much mechanical depth in terms of choosing the elements since they only really go well with themself) but it was a good time and naming the monsters myself is a great feature. Keep making games!

The old guy increased my motivation to keep playing even after dying a few times. I've beaten 2048 before, but I decided to put this one down for now after throwing a couple hours at it lol. The background sound is extremely good, and feels like it adds to the game significantly. I'll definitely be back to finish it. My feedback would be that it would be nice to have a way to have the big mouse cursor be hidden when it's off the screen rather than leaving behind its last position.

I think my biggest piece of feedback would be that visibility is quite poor, and there is a lot of stuff grabbing for your attention that you can't really give since its a bullet hell game and you gotta pay attention to your own character to stay alive. Great game! The style is awesome, the sound is great, and the gameplay is pretty fun. Keep making games!

Rad game! It's a neat little score attack game that I enjoyed figuring out. The ice cube melting in the sun is quite smart and fits well into the gameplay loop. I didn't have a second player, I imagine that would've added quite a bit to the experience. The style is also very cute!

Quite a fun game! Got to ~11k on endless before calling it quits

First some feedback

My hand hurt after playing this game, it would help if the sword attack was an auto instead of having to click so much

The gameplay is quite simplistic, it doesn't feel like there is too much skill involved in winning (although I could tell there was) and that it was just a matter of pressing the buttons and hoping for the best

In terms of game feel, this game is great! The graphics, music, and sound effects are all on point! This compounds with a general feeling of polish to create an enjoyable experience

While the laser beam felt a little weak later on, the game did a good job of making me feel like there was power behind all of my actions

Great job, keep making games!

The two things I mainly remember are how it's hard to tell if the dog can still jump on slopes and that the penguin's super jump is neat but quite clunky and inconsistent to pull off

Love the game as a whole

The style is great, the music is awesome, the overworld is cute

The gameplay is brutally difficult, it reminds me of trying to beat super expert mario maker levels and I love that

That two forms compliment each other quite nicely, and it's good fun to decide which form to use for each obstacle

The physics are pretty janky, but that's not enough to turn me off from the platforming and I would be very happy to play a full version of this

New bug I found was that if I was standing in a spot where a shadow block spawned while I spawned it I would get stuck

Neat game! I thought it was quite well put together. Keep making games!

sick as hell

Took a bit for me to figure it out, but this game is actually cool as hell

Feels strangely mind-blowing to play, the vibes are off the charts

The style is impeccable and the gameplay is well executed

This game is so fun! It feels good to slowly get better at this game, tossing ingredients back and forth! My second run's time was 1:52, but it would for sure stay compelling if I tried to push it down further and optimize the crap out of it! The intro sequence is also wonderful. It would be neat if one half could pick up and use items without the other one trying to throw theirs, but I don't know how hard that would be to implement or how much it could screw over a newer player.

Sorry for double post, but I just wanted to write that I think the text works differently on different resolutions, and that for me there was a lot of overlapping text in the intro

I managed to get D rank! There is a lot of depth to succeeding, and the characters are charming (especially the deep voices lol)

The clunky controls combined with everything being randomly reversed makes this game feel like a rage game, especially when one is unfamiliar with it, which is quite funny to me lol

Great job! The game is highly charming!

This is really neat! Good job making it

I'm glad to hear that and VERY interested in playing future versions of the game! Woot woot!

Greatly enjoyed the style of it, although putting it in fullscreen pushed the resolution to way outside the intended boundaries and made a bunch of visual glitches

Gameplay is cool but hard as balls, that circular biter attack killed me literally every time it was used since the directions it went out were different from the directs it went in. The owl's claw is also larger than the warning window which meant I got hit sometimes even though it seemed like the game told me I was safe

The spells and their effects are cool and show a lot of depth, although the UI for it is very clunky (it would help a lot if the back menu let you instantly leave the spell effects menu)

The monster designs are super cool, so that gets an extra shout from me

The lack of audio is notable, but probably not something that really needs much mentioning

The movement on the overworld is quite cool, although the sun damage is extremely punishing and if I don't get the spacing right I'm just dead almost instantly

The alchemy system is great and I like the balance of the items, but going in to the menu to pick an item every time is clunky and severely limits their usefulness and fun outside of battle

I don't know if I'm a god gamer or something, but I literally never got hit by an enemy once in combat, and thus any need to avoid combat or use items or whatnot was completely negated by standing out of range of one of their movement actions and then one shoting them safely even when they are in groups

The style is great, the gestures are expressive and there is a feeling of character in the characters even without super detailed textures or whatnot

On the whole, I quite like how it's going, my primary feedback would be to make items usable by a hotkey or something so I don't need 3 clicks to panic smoke bomb or throw a second fire bomb

The lack of audio is a quite noticable, but I imagine that was a choice rather than just something forgotten

This game is honestly cool as hell, the concept is great and the gameplay feels like a lot of little "Eureka!" moments

This game is fantastic! The style is adorable and the puzzle-ish gameplay is compelling to some extent

That's a great idea! Thanks for the credits mention!

Was just chillin serving people until at night 7 there was literally not enough seats for everyone so I had to beat the customers to death but it seems like my hitbox and hurtbox overlap so there doesn't seem to be a good way to avoid damage

The game is great! I am curious if the bonuses from the different upgrades stack additively or multiplicatively

Woot Woot!

Speedrunning kind of solves this since the point is to win ASAP, but it feels like there's no good reason to spend bombs before you're "ready" (as in have huge stats and a bunch of bombs and know you can beat the boss) so it would also be neat to have rewards for a partial success like defeating a specific limb or something to make it worth spending bombs even if you can't actually win the fight

Honestly, this is sick as all fuck. I love practically every part of this game, so I'll go into a bit of detail on that and then give some suggestions.

The little anecdotes are adorable (I'm a sucker for little characterization stuff like that) and the systems have a huge amount of depth. It was amazing to take the time to learn (and break) all the systems.

For my main suggestion, I think this game is most fun (at least for people like me who like to pursue mastery) in a sort of specific specific way:  Play through the game once, going crazy on the resets and getting ridiculous stats. After that first playthrough, go through the game again trying to reach the end in as few resets as possible. This makes figuring out what's important and prioritizing super important and gives purpose to all the cool puzzle mechanics involved! It would also be kind of like solitaire in that there's RNG involved which adds a lot of variety and a sense of slight powerlessness when pursuing a new best time so to speak. I think trying to speedrun the game in this sense adds a lot of depth, including discouraging things like not mindlessly maxing all stats without knowing what they do and things like that.

This game is an absolute banger! Absolutely sick as hell. Would not be surprised if this one takes a W. The style is fantastic, the potion mixing is great, and the spooky stuff is done well. My one piece of feedback is that the game would've been more fun if I was aware of how much debt triggers a game over before accidentally doing it when doing some "investing" and having to restart as a result.

This is quite cool! The shadows are quite satisfying and the monsters that seem to rush out of the light were spooky

Absoutely incredible

Thanks a ton! I actually cheered after reading this lol

I'm glad to hear that you appreciate the alchemy and random loot! I was partially unsure how that was going to work in practice so I'm glad to hear that it's compelling

Good luck on beating the game! Let me know if you do, since it would be quite the achievement!

Ayo I didn't notice there is a discord, I gotta join that

Haha that's great, I wasn't sure if the strange skeleton movement was intentional or not

Should get some people together and do like a battle royale sort of thing where everyone starts at the same time but there's permadeath

So whoever can get strong the fastest gets the W

TBH I had a lot of fun writing down all the spell combos in Notepad++ rather than just having them told to me, but having in-game UI for it would prob be a better way of doing it for the casuls