Nice work on this! I really liked the intro UI, loading sequence, and everything—all felt very polished. The dynamic camera felt really good for the first part of the game, but unfortunately led to a lot of difficulty with the controls when I got to the grappling section. I almost wonder if locking the camera to a sort of 2.5D perspective would help during those parts, as I found it really hard to intuit which direction I needed to hold to swing in the direction I wanted. For the parts of the grappling sequence that I could do, though, I really enjoyed the swinging mechanic!
I was also unable to tell exactly where the water level was at any given moment, which caused some frustration when dying to the time limit. Part of me feels like I would've enjoyed the game more without the rising water altogether, though I understand that was necessary for the limitation.
The music was a lot of fun!
Great job overall, I think with some work on the camera and controls this has a lot of potential!