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Tr33 Gam3 Studios

A member registered Feb 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Managing to download the build now thanks, I enjoyed the game :3

I do have to say though that the way every sword is piled up onto one singular table is quite annoying but I can see why that's a limitation. I often had to spam through till I got the sword that I wanted to pickup but it did a little bit more of the frantic feel of the game.

Unga bunga bow man strong.

Axe defender is a useless unit in this game unfortunately. it just gets beaten by the ranged units so instead I circled the village with spear and bow units and the game was a breeze.

decently fun though.

Fun little game. I may either have a massive skill issue or my game was bugged because I could not ever stop the phones. I figured out the sound cue for the peeping so put my attention into stopping the phones but could not do it no matter how many times I hit them.

Really good atmosphere and sound design though.

The game looks good and I enjoy repairing the different swords, however I could never get the game to start properly as the first knight would never place his sword down, stopping any swords from being picked up by the other knights.

Really good idea but sad I couldn't get it to work :(

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Thank you :3

I do see that it is possible to just do a couple tasks, sleep and not engage with the game but I also believe the game already punishes you enough with getting the lowest possible score for that.

I didn't think about the jammy's being difficult to tell apart. They were all just based off of previous mini jams. :/

Glad you liked the game, and managed to finish it. The controls I would have loved to display somewhere in that first section of the level like I usually do but my time was running out so had to settle for description controls method.

Also funnily enough the level start and end screen were just very rushed recreations of ones I made for a sonic fangame.

Nice idea to make the camera locked in areas where control is needed. I've decided to just make the camera's orientation and hence the movement direction fixed, only changed at certain triggers where the level would change direction.

Didn't also realise that the water would be difficult to see how far up it is, which now makes sense due to the poor depth perception. I might add a UI element to show the water but honestly I didn't want the time limit in the game at all its just for the limitation.

Honestly during testing my I ended up finding that the easiest and fastest way to clear the grapple section was to get a good launch off the first one to skip it... which should have clued me in but eh now I know.

Thanks for the suggestions. I saw someone else say to make sections like the grappling areas with a fixed camera so I might for the post jam release make a new system that just has the camera switch orientation at certain triggers in areas where its safer to lose control for a split second, having the camera still follow the player in a similar way but now the movement direction is mostly fixed.

Thanks again for feedback, been really helpful :3

its like IGN review scores. A 5 is a good game, but then a 4 is mediocre.

A great fun game with wonderful visuals.

The UI didn't seem to scale correctly or something because the icons on the left were going off screen but I also see that in some screenshots so I'm not so sure.

Overall good game, enjoyed :3

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but seriously a fun little experience

Was fun to play. The lenses were a little weird as I sometimes felt so close to the item but it wouldn't pick up and then the AI came over and snatched it from me in a spot I thought I'd checked.

I dont get the full experience since I don't have a friend at hand to play with but from the singleplayer I can see it being a fun game with friends if the radar was a little more forgiving

6 goggles out of 10.

It is so satisfying when all the balls explode. My high score was 1130 which I simply got by waiting in a corner for the screen to fill and then just letting it all explode.

A fun experience

5 red balls out of 10

Fun little game. the control and feel of the character is great and favourite part about this game alongside the visuals.

6 spiky balls out of 10

fruit ninja if it was good lol.

Cool game. been waiting to play this. 

I like the slow-mo feature that let me pretend I was Raiden from metal gear rising, slowly slicing up my enemies.

I see most of the time was spent on the main feature of the game but it is a very cool feature.

6 slices out of 10

Really fun game (More people should be playing this)

The visuals are cute and work really well. The controls are good and snappy. The music is a banger.

My only gripe is that the game is landscape rather than portrait as it would benefit a lot from allowing you to see more of what's above you.

Overall fun game though.

7 Fasties out of 10

Yummy Yummy visuals and music. This game oozes old arcade vibes.

The actual gameplay itself was quite good I found myself having to think unlike move block breaking puzzle games where I can just spam. I do think that the controls suffer a little with how easy it was for me to drag my mouse out of the window and then need to click back in a couple times to make it work again but that's not really a problem with the game just a problem with it being a web build (might work well on mobile though, haven't tried)

I think this would make for a great mobile game that I would just randomly start playing and not even notice how long its been.

8 explosions out of 10. Loved it

Pretty fun game. Would recommend that you try get a web build since downloading a .exe can be either too much of a bother or security risk for some people to do for a game jam (typically web builds get more ratings because of accessibility, etc.).

I do love this game however I don't love the fact that the double jump is tied to the energy system so much since I mainly use my dash as it gives me much more height and controllability and where I do need a double jump, at a point where there was little energy and a platforming section too high to just jump, I can't anymore since I dashed to get up there, which funnily enough saved me more energy than I would if I double jumped my way up.

Overall good game (and one of my favourite genres too :3)

7 viruses out of 10. would recommend

Cool game. I had one issue where a word was covered by another which was pretty annoying when I was locked into typing for that and scrambling to unlock myself from that. I would have also preferred if the click boxes would appear more during the level so I have more to do than just type words but other than that its alright.

I'll give a solid 4 popups out of 7

Thanks for playing the game :3

The Pseudo-loading screen was mainly just so it doesn't look jarring when the level restarts entirely but I seem to have messed up the timing in the animation so it goes for longer than it honestly should. This was a last minute addition, which also explains the control during it which I did notice but didn't have time to fix before posting. Apologies for that.

I was expecting complaints about the camera since even I at times was confused by it but I hadn't thought it would be so bad (turns out I'm wrong) I should have honestly noticed sooner and tried out a different style of camera but for the level I wanted to make I felt like it was necessary.  Honestly if you have any ideas on how the camera could be better for this sort of winding level I would love to hear.

Controls were tight and fun to use. Game looks absolutely amazing and the gunplay was great. My only gripe is that the projectiles are quite hard to see at times and I'd just jump into them but it never managed to kill me so it wasn't the biggest issue.

The ship takeoff animation is great and the exhaust fumes are just Immaculate

Overall solid game

8 annoying projectiles out of 10

Game is cute and I love the idea. Controls are a little finnicky but don't ruin the experience. 

Overall a good experience

6 live bombs out of 10


Genuinely one of my favourite games of the jam. I worked my ass off trying to beat that first phase just for the cheeky second phase (which I never managed to beat).

The game feels great to play and gave me the experience that a souls-like usually provides but without the complex animations that leave me guessing where the hitbox is, making it much easier for me to actually dodge attacks.

I love this game, would love to see more of it in the future.

9 demon dogs out of 10

Great fun little game that had me on my toes throughout. Visuals are decent, unfortunately can't be astonishing if you don't focus entirely on that for the 3 days.

Overall quite a nice little game that I would love to see expanded upon with maybe a central mechanic to give the player a focused and achievable goal.

6 gas leaks out of 10

Great game, though I'm not the best at these games and stuck to the easy path.

The game just overall feels fun to play and strategize for, leading me to spend longer than I had anticipated playing the game. 6 cookies out of 6.5

This is a very visually pleasing game that was enjoyable and just the right size for a gamejam. The only issue is in the use of the limitation as I can't quite grasp what element in the game it has influenced but despite that it's a pretty solid entry.

The game was quite simple and fun to me. I understood the mechanics after dying a couple times but then managed to get a system that sort of gathered the ammo to a central position where I could hide behind masses of turrets but it didn't work the best.

I honestly think a great addition would be to have downwards conveyers as despite the idea of the minerals falling onto the other belts, it makes things a tad bit more complicated than it needs to be and also the minerals didn't correctly land on conveyers sometimes.

Overall fun game that I did quite enjoy.

This was quite a funny game and I love the idea. It was just unfortunate that I could not get myself past a single day nor did I understand why I was suddenly dying. 

It is a little confusing that some values you want high and some low and I also I don't get the joke with the mouse but it was really funny how I lost my first three runs to just spam clicking it,

I found this quite enjoyable and played for a good while once I got into the flow of it.

My only gripe was that I seemed to not be getting any more project approvals later into my runs and when restarting a run I'd occasionally get project proposals before unlocking the stamp (this bug seemed to only occur when I restart when just reaching CEO status)

A very fun concept for a game I think. The game takes a moment to fully understand but once I started to get it I was able to beat the first few difficulties.

The hard difficulty was one that was honestly really challenging as I actually had to figure out how heat transferred (Which is unfortunately not the clearest. might work better with some indicator on where heat flows). Even with that though I managed to softlock myself multiple times and even find a pretty game breaking bug where I just placed a fuel rod in the delete button and broke it entirely.

This is just a jam game and a prototype so it makes sense but the music was quite an annoyance at times (thank you for the mute button).

overall I think it could make for a great little puzzle game especially with a few more elements introduced to spice up gameplay.

Haha such a fun comment. Glad you enjoyed the game.

Thanks for the feedback, found a lot that needs to be worked on. Didn't realise sensitivity would be an issue, looked it was too high.

The video was also very useful in letting me know the direction wasn't always clear which is something I want to try improve on.

This is quite a fun game. reminds me of penny's big breakaway with how it's grapple mechanic works. I think one excellent improvement that could have made the game feel a little better would be if I could keep holding left click after shooting to grapple rather than needing to let go and click again but I can see why its like that for setting up grapples in the later levels.

Last level was certainly a challenge but it was really fun and rewarding when I got the timing just right. (certainly helped that I've already played games with a similar mechanic.)

Nice game. Cute and wacky. Was certainly fun watching the numbers go out of control as my game crashed. (that was the goal right?? break the game?)

Mmmmmm such a good game. Fun throughout with some great puzzles that made me really think about the mechanics. I'm sure this would be amazing if continued (I'd certainly play it all the way through).

The art and music are amazing, especially that track at the end once you escape. (I just kept walking to hear the entirety of it.)

Probably so far one of my favourite games I've played. Well done, I will certainly be checking out more of your stuff in the future.

Game is fun but also OH LORD is this a difficult one. Took me a while to cook my first sausage and it was my only one. I think it would be much nicer if the clock didn't reset when the sausage got colder (especially since that's not how cooking works). If that change was made it would also make sense to increase the time a little to compensate so it isn't too easy.

My only other gripe is that the movement is a little finnicky but I got around that by playing a little smarter and trying to not move as much. (also the dash mechanic was quite useless in my experience as it just sent me flying uncontrollably.)

Good art and audio design though. Only tip on the art design is that it doesn't feel very cohesive and the ships sort of class with the rest of the art (but that's just a bi-product of jam games and my game has the same issue)

Very silly little game with cool art and music that I enjoyed playing. Feel like I was missing something though with 20 seconds left and nothing to burn anymore...

It does suck that being caught by a guard doesn't show you your score but it makes sense

This game was decently enjoyable. I'm quite a fan of games based around reaction time this one is no exception.

The art is also fantastic, everything looks and feels very polished and I'm a fan of the parallax effect on the main menu.

My only gripe with the game was how difficult it was at first as I had to watch for what needed flipping and then franticly find the key on my keyboard, leaving usually burning the one side. This is most likely just a skill issue on my part as the second time around I was doing much better and found it quite fun to need to keep track of which key I had already pressed for which meat.

Overall fun experience (but why are my kids throwing toy cars on the grill?)

^ also recording each jam game I play and sending the video in the comments for yall.

fun game!  great puzzle idea that I feel could be very good if expanded upon.

very fun game. movement was solid and the grappling felt good. my only real problems with the game is that the spacing on the walls on certain levels seems a bit off to me. hard to explain but on the stairway level I kept missing the walls after 3 jumps because I was too fast.

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this a game that really portrays the joys of fishing. never seen BIG FISH though. is it good?