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Hey Grymm428, thanks for the question (and any question is good feedback on how things could be explained better).  

Only the spell effects stated in brackets of the spell description apply to the spell.

So the limitations on the Heal spell is just the range and effect die. If you cast it at a higher level then you can cast it further and it heals more. The target level doesn't apply here.

For the Missile spell (Missile (Range, Targets = Number of Missiles) then the factors that you can increase are the number of missiles you cast, each one does d6 damage. (i.e. level 1 = 1 missile at d6, level 2 = 2 missiles at d6 and level 3 = 4 missiles at d6).

Does that make it clearer?

Hey, thank for the quick reply, ND!  I understand what you're saying, and that is how I've been playing it.  I guess I'm a little confused on the Max Level of target.  A level 1 power spell looks like it only effects PCs, NPCs and Creature of levels 1-4.  Maybe I'm just thinking about it wrong or reading into it a little bit too much (as is my way :).  If I wanted to heal a 7th level thief, wouldn't I have to cast it at level 2 to even have a chance to affect the thief?  If the target level is not italicized and in parentheses, you're saying I could still heal the thief?

Yes, the target level limitation only applies if this is marked in italics in the spell description. 

For example, some spell affects that could harm/constrain an opponent may need to be cast at a higher level to succeed (more effort required to affect a higher level target and it avoids a situation where low level spells can be spammed to defeat a tough opponent). Where the effect is beneficial and welcome, this tends not to apply.

Thanks for checking out the game.

Gotcha!  Thanks for the clarification!