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A member registered Sep 22, 2020

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Gotcha!  Thanks for the clarification!

I'm going to go one step further...  I've been role-playing for 40 years, and I say it's robust enough to challenge every RPG.  I've played every rendition of D&D, shadowrun, OSR, GURPS, Runequest, and any other game out there.  This one is my absolute favorite (of the fantasy genre) of all time.  Simple and robust at the same time, HoA has it all (plus some things that more verbose games do not)!  My group loves it, and as I move into the 3rd version of the game, it's only better.  Keep it coming, ND!

Hey, thank for the quick reply, ND!  I understand what you're saying, and that is how I've been playing it.  I guess I'm a little confused on the Max Level of target.  A level 1 power spell looks like it only effects PCs, NPCs and Creature of levels 1-4.  Maybe I'm just thinking about it wrong or reading into it a little bit too much (as is my way :).  If I wanted to heal a 7th level thief, wouldn't I have to cast it at level 2 to even have a chance to affect the thief?  If the target level is not italicized and in parentheses, you're saying I could still heal the thief?

Quick question about spells:

It appears in its current iteration, the Divine Magic spell, Heal, cannot be cast on anyone of 5th level or higher.

 "HEAL (Range, Effect Die). Restores the targets health."

The rules for Spell Power spells states:

"Spells can be amplified by spending more inspiration points. This makes the spell harder to cast but increases some spell effects. The Spell Casting Table (pg. 41) details the inspiration costs and spell effects. When a spell is amplified each of the spell effects detailed in italics in the spell description can be boosted to the next level."

As I read it, a 10th level cleric has no way to heal a 5th - 10th level character.  Am I misinterpreting something?

Same restriction on Arcane Magic's Missile spell.  It can't affect anyone of 5th level or higher.  I would assume that Magic may not affect high level characters, but it doesn't seem quite right.  A higher-level target may have a better skill die to avoid damage.

I am modifying it in my current game in a way that makes sense for me, just wondering if it's intentional or not.  Thanks!

Love the game, btw.  Looking forward to more!

That’s the way a buddy of mine (who is running the game) is interpreting it. Which is fine. Don’t want to come across as a rules lawyer, just wanted to know ND’s intention. Thanks for your input, my man. 

On a side note: loving, I mean, LOVING the system!  ND has hit all the important elements, while not sacrificing anything for a simple rule set.  Home run for sure!

My interpretation is that using Spell Focus allows a Mage to cast a charged spell costing no health. 

Hey ND, thanks for responding to my other question, but I have another for you.  In regards to Spell Focus for the Mage class, does casting a charged spell cost truly 0 health or is it a discount to charge spell?  I’m thinking the charged spell costs nothing and that can be done a number of times per encounter per level. 

Gracias, mate!

(1 edit)

Sup, y'all?  Got a question...  Not exactly sure how to phrase this...  As a mage, upon character creation, I automatically learn the Arcana spell list and I pick 2 spells to be proficient with, as my option, I then picked Form Magic.  Do I become proficient with 2 spells from that list in addition or do I wait to gain a level before picking 2 more spells?