This was a bit brutal :D Lots going on for a jam game - you've got pleasant art, voice acting (!!!), different gameplays... LOTS!
I liked the flip-flop between action sequences and slower-paced puzzle ones; although I proved too dense to crack the "other solution" for Level 3, unfortunately :D The bullet-hell felt a bit too chaotic, but that's probably due to time constraints of the jam. The "push/pull" sokobans are the best sokobans, of course, so big points there :)
I think that there's enough of an idea and skeleton here for a post-jam pass - I feel like this could be made into a full game. The core systems that are already in are in a very playable state, just need tuning, better tutorial/introduction than list of combinations in game's description, and with some effort put in I can see it asking money in stores, totally deserves that.