This feels more like a dexterity game than an incremental game. I think I got all the creature evolutions. Some feedback points:
- The framerate is a bit low making the collection of red dots unresponsive, sometimes I move over it but go too fast
- The size of the cursor does not seem to match the size of the hitbox when collecting dots
- I like the design of the creature up to the eyelashes. Seeing it grow and get more parts is fun. The red tentacles moved so fast that it detracted from the charm of the creature though.
- The drain and slow drop upgrades don't seem very important. Once the first drop hits the floor you might as well let it end because the drops get too hard to catch with the extra speed gained.
- There is not really any reason to make the player hold down the mouse button, since you're doing that constantly anyway
- When you hold the mouse over the creature a gigantic floating point number appears, supposedly indicating the "health" remaining? It does not help me at all, since the number changes too fast to interpret
If you'd improve the responsiveness and consistency of collecting dots that would definitely reduce wrist strain gained from playing. I was mostly going left to right at the top of the screen.
Nice game overall with some minor flaws, keep it up!